Epilogue | Pain

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Saffron Graves looked up sharply, listening. Yes, there it was: the telltale crack of apparition. She marked her page, setting the book down on the coffee table. Peering out the window, all she was greeted with was the reflection of the lights.

"What is it, Saff?" Her wife came up behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist. Saff shrugged, going to the door.

"I thought I heard something." She peered out the window, "Can you give me my wand, Vi?"

Her wife rolled her eyes, but pressed it into her hand. Cautiously, Saff opened the door, wand at the ready. After all, there was a war going on.

A cry brought her attention to the doormat, and she gasped, stooping. Swaddled in a navy blanket was a screaming baby, red in the face. Saff scooped him up, hurrying back inside.

"What's happened?" Vi stood up from the stairs, taking the baby from her, "Oh, dear."

"Another newborn." Saff sighed, leaning into Vi, "That makes three this year. We're up to the letter L."

Vi tickled the baby under his chin, soothing his cries for the moment, "Well, we're happy to have you... Leo."


Cassia sat on the edge of a cliff, looking out over the enchanted ghost ship. It had been ten months since she began working here, at Durmstrang, and she still couldn't get over the view. Sometimes, it was the only thing that made her feel something.

Twelve long years had passed since Regulus had died and she had given birth to a stillborn child. Yet still her soul had not healed, nor had the rift between her and her parents. She never did reach out to Marisa again, though, instead cutting all ties she had left in England. Then she had moved, first to France then to Russia.

"Miss Hamilton, a letter has come for you." She looked up at the boy who spoke in stilted English. Cassia smiled, standing to take the letter.

"Thank you, Viktor. And your English is improving very well." The boy grinned and left. The Durmstrang students didn't understand why she was there, this proper English woman, but they had come to enjoy her classes. Indeed, she was unsure of it all too, why the sudden need for the oldest of them to learn English, but it gave her a job, and room and board, so she did not complain.

She slit the envelope, ignoring the address on the front. When she saw the handwriting, though, she nearly threw it into the water.


I have not been the mother I should be. I let prejudice and my parents' beliefs guide me, rather than myself. The things I regret number much higher than they should, and some of them are unforgivable. Mainly, my dear daughter, what I have done to you.

Your son is alive. He was not stillborn, nor did you lay him in the ground that autumn. I was selfish, caring more for how it would reflect on my reputation than how it would affect you. I stole him away, delivering him to an orphanage in Otterton.

 Words cannot convey how sorry I am. I would never be able to make this right, even if I had the time. But your father has already passed beyond the veil and soon I will too.

My darling, I am so sorry for the grief I've caused you. For splitting your family apart. For a thousand other things that I hope you never forgive. I don't deserve it.

With all my regret,
Elladora Hamilton


A/N - And there we have it, the end of Heavenly Bodies! This story has been so much fun to write, and I've some plans for a story featuring Cassia's son. Those of you who have read Forgotten Girl have seen some of it, even if you didn't realise it ;).

As always, if you'd like to see a character in their own story, put them in the comments and I will try to do them justice. 

Thank you for reading!

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