Part Two | Potions and Players

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"So why were you hanging out with the Ravenclaw?" Regulus's best friend, Evan Fawley, asked on their way to Defense Against the Dark Arts that day. He shrugged, winking at a Slytherin girl who looked at him. She blushed and began talking rapidly with her friends.

"We're partners in Slughorn's class," Regulus said, ignoring the suggestive look his friend gave him, "He invited both of us to his All Hallow's party. We were discussing whether we'd go."

"Together?" Evan raised a smug eyebrow, and the Black itched to smack him.

"No, not together. She's not my latest conquest, Fawley. Not my type."

"Like she'd go for you. She doesn't seem like the 'One Night Stand' type. Or the 'Bad Boy' type, if I'm being honest." 

"Do you doubt my wooing powers?" Regulus asked as they slid into their seats. Fawley nodded sagely. 

"Yes, my good sir, I do. I doubt you could get her by the time we leave Hogwarts."

Regulus raised a brow, "You don't think I could get with Cassiopeia Hamilton within the next three and a half years?" Fawley thought it over.

"Okay, fine. I don't think you'd be able to get her before OWLs next year." Regulus smirked, turning his attention to the teacher.

"Finally, a challenge," He muttered, "Five Galleons to the winner?"

They shook under the table, both sure they had this in the bag.

Neither of them felt the glare from the boy behind them, who had just so happened to hear everything.


"Oi, Hamilton!" Cassia turned around, her eyes landing on the boy who called her name.

"Teddy Bear!" She laughed when he picked her up, spinning her around.

"Hello, Munchkin!" The witch wrapped an arm around his waist as they began walking toward the Library. Teddy slipped his arm over her shoulders, and she leaned into him.

"How's your sixth year treating you?" She asked the Hufflepuff, "I feel like I haven't seen you since the train ride."

"It's better than OWL year. Be ready for hours of homework, daily lectures, and a few anxiety attacks," Teddy said, groaning.

"It can't be that bad... can it?" Cassia looked up at him, and he nodded grimly. She pulled a face, and he laughed.

"Cheer up, Munchkin, you've still got a year. Now, what's this I hear from Rory about you getting cosy with a certain Slytherin?"

"It's nothing, Rory's overreacting. Regulus and I are just potions partners, that's all. Slughorn invited us to his club's All Hallow's Costume Masquerade, and we were discussing the pros and cons of going."

"So do you think you'll go?" Teddy asked, holding open the door to the library. Cassia shrugged, reaching up to trail her fingers over the book spines.

"I don't really know. It's just that it seems a little over the top," she whispered as they settled at a table and began pulling out their homework.

"What's wrong with that? I know you don't like the grander things, Cassia, but it could be fun, get you out of your comfort zone." 

"I don't know, Teddy. That means I'll have to write home for a costume... What would I even go as?"

"A butterfly? A ghost? You could go as a muggle fairytale," Teddy suggested, "It's not like how you look would be an issue, you're a bloody metamorphamagus."

"Not so loud, Teddy. I've gone four years without anyone aside from you, Mari, and Rory knowing that, and I'd like to keep it that way." Cassia warned, glancing at the people around them, "So, hush it. I might just ask Dad to choose a costume for me. He's good at it."

"Whatever you want, Munchkin," Teddy told her, ruffling her short hair fondly. She glared at him, running a hand back through it.

"Just get started on your homework, Rellin, before I practice my Bat-Bogey Hex on you." Teddy held up his hands defensively before pulling books and parchment out of his bag. They worked in silence, finishing their homework just before dinner. 

The pair separated as they entered the Great Hall for supper, Cassia to the Ravenclaw Table and Teddy to the Hufflepuff. As Cassia passed the Gryffindor table, someone called out to her.

"Hey, Cassia!" 

"Tommy!" She gave him a hug, and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. The boy glanced at the Slytherin table before turning to her.

"I gotta tell you something, okay? In private."


Oct. 2nd, 1975

Dear Mum and Dad,

How are you? I'm doing well. I've been invited to attend Professor Slughorn's All Hallows Costume Masquerade. He's looking to improve the connections for the most influential students at Hogwarts, so it is a great opportunity.

Dad, I was wondering if you might choose a costume for me? The Masquerade is in four weeks, on October 25th. You've always been better at things like that than Mum and I (no offence, Mum).

I'm sending a letter for Leo along with this one. If you'd give it to him when you go to visit, I'd be grateful. 



Oct. 2nd, 1975

Dear Bean,

Hi, buddy! How's life? Dad told me you had a rough time of it with your last session, huh? I'm sorry, bud. But hey, guess who learned Imagine on the violin? Rory did! Maybe we'll send you a Howler of it. That'd be entertaining, wouldn't it? I wonder if it would work?

Professor Flitwick and Professor Dumbledore have given me permission to come visit you on your birthday and stay the weekend! Just 16 days before we can see each other again! Maybe I can even convince Bernie to let me take you out for ice cream, how does that sound?

Oh, do you remember that boy I told you about? The one that looks like he could be a Greek statue? He's my potions partner now. Boy, do I have some gossip for you when I come to visit! Professor Slughorn invited us both to his All Hallows Masquerade. I've asked Dad to pick out my costume, but feel free to give him any suggestions.

Rory and Teddy say hi and that they hope to come meet you next summer. They both seem really excited! 

I'll see you in a few weeks, Bean!

All my love,

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