Part Seventeen | Beautiful Bruises and Sweet Slytherins

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"You did what?" Evan nearly sent his butterbeer through his nose when Regulus was done talking. Cassia curled into his side, cradling a bruising hand. 

"Would you like me to demonstrate on you, Fawley?" She asked, pulling her wand from behind her ear. The Hufflepuff flinched, shaking his head, "Oh, relax. I'm just healing this."

She muttered a spell, watching as the colours faded away. Regulus chuckled, pulling her closer. "You'll probably come to regret that, you know," he murmured, eyeing his brother from across the pub. The Gryffindor held an ice pack to his nose, easing the pain that came with the Episkey charm.

Cassia shrugged, "In a month we'll be home for the summer. I'll be fine, Rey."

He rolled his eyes, "If you say so, Sweet Pea." She elbowed him in the ribs, sipping her butterbeer. Regulus noted that she didn't scold him, and a small smile stretched across his lips. 


"Ready?" Rory asked as Cassia met him the common room. Both were on their way to Slughorn's end of the year party. Rory would be playing most of the time, but he had told Cassia with a blush that Simon had agreed to keep him company.

"Yup," Cassia grabbed her wand and twisted her hair up, sticking her wand in it to hold it up. She'd much rather have it short, but in just three short weeks, she would be home again. The thought of going home made her frown as she remembered that Leo was still in the hospital.

"Come on then." Rory's voice called her back, and she followed him out to the hallway, "Where are you meeting Black?"

The name brought a smile to her face and a warmth to her chest, "In the Great Hall."

Rory rolled his eyes. He had not been thrilled when Cassia had told him three weeks ago that Regulus had asked out. Especially since he knew about the bet. But here they were, three weeks and three dates later, and Cassia's heart hadn't been broken.

So, he gave her his arm, and off they went.


Regulus leaned against the banister, waiting for Cassia. The thought of her brought a smile to his face, one that made Evan slap the back of his head.

"You're whipped, Reg." The Hufflepuff shook his head, "Still don't know how you managed to do it."

Regulus turned to answer him, but instead caught sight of Cassia at the top of the stairs. Her blue dress shimmered in the light from the Dining Hall, and her hair had been pulled back with... was that her wand?

She stopped beside him, a warm smile on her face. Evan and Rory rolled their eyes and left. Regulus took her hand, placing a gentle kiss on the backs of her fingers.

"Ready?" She asked, a twinkle in her eye. He nodded offering her his arm.



"Ah, Regulus! Cassiopeia! Delighted to have you here!" Professor Slughorn said, dressed in an obnoxiously bright purple suit. The Ravenclaw smiled politely, making small talk until the professor was distracted by another arrival.

Regulus laughed as Cassia sighed, "Don't fancy our Potions Master?"

She glared at him, "Would you fancy him, when all he does is gloat his connections?"

"I suppose you're right, love." He listened as Rory started up, "May I have this dance?"

Cassia smiled, pulling him along. They were the first couple on the floor as Regulus led her into a waltz. As they spun across the floor, she caught sight of Simon Minsky sitting beside Rory's feet. The two were laughing about something, and it brought a smile to her face.

"What are thinking about?" She looked up at Regulus, into his crystal blue eyes. 

"Just that... All these people deserve to be happy. They should get to grow up and fall in love, but..." Cassia shook her head, glancing away, "I'm not sure they'll all get the chance."

Regulus leaned his forehead against hers, forcing her to look at him. "They'll be fine. We'll be fine. No one's going to die. Not you, not me, not Rory or Evan or your brother."

It was a lie, and they both knew it. There was a war coming, and there was no way they would make it out unscathed. But for tonight, here in this room, Cassia chose to believe him. Just for tonight.


"Alright, everyone! In preparation for OWLs next week, you'll be brewing Weedosoros poison. Be very careful not to touch it with your bare skin and do not swallow it! Proceed!" Cassia began dicing weed of sorrows, careful not to get distracted by the looks Regulus was sending her. Even though they were dating now, they still had to keep up it down. Regulus said it was for her safety.

"Is it hot in here or is it just you?" He asked, leaning over her to grab the spoon. Cassia blushed slightly; that boy didn't know what he did to her, did he?

"Of course it's hot in here, Regulus. There are ten cauldrons in here all set to the same temperature, and we're in robes and long sleeves," she replied bluntly. Regulus just chuckled.

"Lighten up, Sweet Pea. You're cute when you're angry, though." Cassia caught the wink he sent her out of the corner of her eye. Her blush deepened.

"I've told you not to call me that, Black," She warned, her grip tightening on the knife momentarily. Regulus took a step back, holding his hands up in play surrender.

"Miss Hamilton? If you'd come with me," Professor Dumbledore said, appearing at her side, "Bring your things. It's about your brother." Cassia frowned, collecting her things and leaving with him without a backwards glance.


A/N - Hiya, loves! So, I'm going to challenge myself for the end of 2020 - I'm going to attempt to post a chapter a day of Heavenly Bodies AND Sunflowers, and post every 3 days for Forgotten Girl! This is so that I can finish HB and SF before 2021 and start fresh! 

Wish me luck!

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