“Right back at you, Hawke.” Varric looked over her shoulder. “And you brought Fenris! Nice to see you, elf. Are there any slavers still foolish enough to leave Tevinter?”

The elf’s mouth quirked. “Always.”

“Well, keep at it. You may kill them all yet.”

“I shall enjoy the attempt.” Cecily strongly suspected Fenris wasn’t joking.

Varric turned to her. “Inquisitor Trevelyan, allow me to present my friends. This is Fenris, scourge to slavers everywhere. And this is Juliet Hawke. Since you’ve read my book, I’ll assume she needs no other introduction.”

Protocol lessons hadn’t prepared Cecily for meeting a living legend, so she settled on a slight curtsy, the kind a hostess would make to a visitor of equal or greater rank. “Serrah Fenris. Serrah Hawke. It is an honor to welcome the Champion of Kirkwall to Skyhold.”

After a slight pause, Fenris gave her an awkward half-bow and Hawke extended her hand to shake Cecily’s. “Thank you for the welcome, Inquisitor,” the Champion said. “Although I don’t use the Champion title much anymore. So. Corypheus. Not dead?”

“Not even a little, apparently,” Varric sighed. “You and the Inquisitor have a lot to discuss.”


It took the better part of an hour for Hawke to explain how and why she’d fought Corypheus. The Champion was unsettlingly certain that she’d killed him—which meant that they were probably dealing with a creature that could come back from the dead.

In theory the Grey Wardens, who had imprisoned Corypheus in the first place, should have been their best lead, but according to Hawke’s brother something was terribly wrong with the Wardens. The Champion had thrown herself into helping Carver and a small, scattered band of his comrades figure out what was going on. Their next step was clear: find Hawke’s contact Stroud, who had been headed to Crestwood.

With that established, Varric left to find Hawke and Fenris a place to sleep for the night. Then Fenris murmured something in Hawke’s ear, said “Please excuse me, Inquisitor,” and slipped off as well. Cecily found herself alone on the Skyhold battlements with the Champion of Kirkwall.

Maker, please don’t let me embarrass myself.

“Is Serrah Fenris all right?” she asked politely.

Hawke nodded. “He likes to map all of the potential exits before he spends the night in a place—a habit he acquired after he escaped his former master. At Skyhold that might take him a while.” She sighed. “I tried to talk him out of coming here. Aveline even found him a nice slaving ring to go after, but he insisted on following me instead. Not that I’m not glad for his company. I am. But … I know he would die to protect me. I prefer to limit his opportunities to do so.”

Cecily wasn’t sure what to say to that. Hawke smiled ruefully and changed the topic. “So. Inquisitor. That’s quite a title. Does it come with a hat? All good titles ought to come with fancy hats.”

“No. But it came with a very large ceremonial sword that nearly broke my arm when I lifted it. Seeker Cassandra tends to forget that not all of us are hardened warriors,” Cecily said wryly.

“Ah yes, the Seeker.” The Champion’s blue eyes glinted. “Varric had some interesting things to say about her. He also had quite a bit to say about you.” She crossed her arms and looked at Cecily, clearly appraising her. Cecily fought the urge to stand up straighter. “I must say I was surprised to hear that Varric had gotten involved with the Inquisition. He’s never been one for religion. You’ve obviously made an impression on him.”

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