Chapter 3: A failed mediation

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Crofter: Kindly ensure that our mutual acquaintance receives the enclosed message. If possible, make its delivery memorable.


Evie's first task was to slip Bann Dorner a message—The Inquisition knows, and is not to be trifled with—at Teyrn Linnell's house party, and in a way that would likely alarm the Bann. Evie snuck into his room while he slept and slipped it into his left boot to show that the Inquisition could reach him anywhere if it chose. Three weeks later, Sister Nightingale wrote with the news that the rumors about the Inquisition had all but vanished.

A series of other small tasks followed. Talk to members of the Marcher nobility to discover which Banns planned to support Prince Sebastian's enemies in a bubbling feud. Listen and learn which noblemen might be amenable to allying with the Inquisition—and which had secrets that might be worth exploiting. Evie kept her ears open and gathered the information the spymaster asked for; early each morning she copied her reports into the cipher she'd been given and then burned any notes she kept.

She knew she was doing well when she was promoted to a more sophisticated cipher and assigned harder tasks. Finding evidence of a wealthy merchant's ties to the Venatori. Copying documents proving that a Bann was plotting against the ruling house of Tantervale. Even, on one memorable occasion, gathering proof of an affair between a Starkhaven Lord and a member of the Antivan Crows.

Meanwhile, Josephine provided an excuse for her newly-busy social schedule by sending invitations—delivered directly to the Trevelyans' front door and addressed to her by name, rather than delivered by raven and addressed to "Crofter"—that she had secured through the Inquisition's influence. Evie's parents were torn between delight that their younger daughter was finally participating more enthusiastically in social events and worry that she was so openly associating herself with a cause that so many seemed hostile towards.

"I'm already associated," Evie pointed out. "Everyone knows Cecy's my sister."

That point more or less silenced their most vocal objections. Besides, the Inquisition's influence was spreading. Families who had 'accidentally' omitted the Trevelyans from guest lists were now begging their attendance at weddings and feast days and coming-out balls. Relatives with sons and daughters in the Chantry or with the Templars were even talking to them again, especially after Evie took pains to spread the knowledge that the Inquisition's Commander had been a Templar Knight-Captain. Apparently the Herald's sister could not only leave her home without a scandal—she was now a sought-after guest and ally.

Which was how Evie found herself attempting to mediate a squabble between her third (or was it fourth?) cousin Lord Albrecht, her second cousin Bann Stephen Woodville, her aunt Lenora, and her cousin Elise. Josephine's memorandum had attempted to lay out the complicated issues that seemed to be triggering the feud, ranging from trade routes to disputes over inheritances. But after memorizing the entire document Evie arrived to learn that the real issue was that Stephen and Albrecht, both widowers, had sought Elise's hand. Elise, however, had declared her intent to marry a Lord's younger brother.

"It is an insult to your house, Lady Evelyn!" Bann Stephen thundered. "Lady Elise cannot throw herself away on a minor connection."

"But she can," Evie said, feigning confusion. "I mean, she has. So she can."

"I mean she should not," Bann Stephen ground out patiently. Evie managed not to smirk at his annoyance. Bann Stephen had all but cut their branch of the family dead after Cecy went to the Circle; it was hard not to feel smug.

"My daughter wouldn't marry you even if you bullied her into breaking her engagement!" Lenora snapped.

"She is a foolish girl who needs to be guided by a stronger hand. One you are clearly unable to provide," the Bann hissed. "Perhaps the Inquisition might persuade her."

"My Lord, I am happy to mediate for family, but Lady Elise's marriage is really not the Inquisition's business," Evie said tactfully. And it wasn't. Whether Elise married her land-poor nobleman or one of these two would scarcely affect the growing power of Cecily's organization.

"It certainly is not," Lord Albrecht growled.

Those were the first words he'd spoken since arriving, and Evie looked over at him in some alarm. Lord Albrecht was glowering—not at Lenora, but at her.

"You asked this child to mediate our dispute, Lenora. By what right? By her relation to a mage? 'Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him,'" he thundered.

Evie took a sip of her tea. "My thanks, Lord Albrecht. It has been nearly a week since anyone quoted that passage at me. I was beginning to worry that they had changed the Chant without telling me."

Albrecht turned almost purple. "This is no jest! Do you deny what your sister is?"

"Of course not," Evie said calmly. "Do you deny it? She is the Inquisitor, chosen by the Left and Right Hands of the Divine, and she leads a force that grows in strength each day. I would not besmirch her name so lightly if I were you, my Lord."

"The so-called Herald is a foul creature who defiles our Chantry by her very existence," Albrecht snarled. "I fear nothing from you, girl. Or from your heretic sister."

Evie set down her tea; otherwise, the saucer and cup would have rattled so loudly that no one would believe her feigned calm. "Then you are an idiot," she said sweetly. "Lady Lenora, you may tell Elise that while the Inquisition has no opinion on her engagement, her cousin Evelyn is very happy for her. Would anyone else like to insult my sister before I go?"


Dear Cecy,

I am afraid I have made an enemy out of Lord Albrecht. I have already written to Ambassador Montilyet, but please tell her how truly sorry I am when you see her next.

In my defense, Albrecht questioned the legitimacy of the Inquisition and quoted Transfigurations 1:2. So I doubt he was likely to be a friend.

Love and apologies, Evie


Dear Evie,

Please be assured that the unpleasantness with Albrecht was not your fault. He has been in a foul mood ever since the Inquisition refused to help him with a petty squabble. He has also been harassing Inquisition messengers who pass near his lands. Our Commander finally had to send soldiers to accompany them, and there was a rather embarrassing skirmish between our forces and his. No one was hurt, but Albrecht's men were forced to return to his keep without weapons or helmets. Or, apparently, pants. (I fear the lieutenant in charge has been listening too closely to Sera.)

In related news, do you enjoy tourneys? Albrecht has challenged the Inquisition's best to face his men in the upcoming tourney at Tantervale. I think it would be quite poetic if the Inquisitor's sister were on hand to witness his defeat, don't you?

Love, Cecy

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