Devil's Snare / Power Unleased

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Y/n , Vortex , Harley and Ivy are attacking the Mutant Tree's

Harley : " Ugh we got to stop this , If Gotham's Destroyed we gotta move and there is no way I'm living in metropolis , so do your plant Control thingy and put a end to this "

Ivy : " You know what , you really take the romance out of it when you just call it a plant Control thingy "

Ivy : " * To The Tree * Hey Buddy , Stop " She tried Controlling the Tree but couldn't , " I can't control them I they mutated

Y/n : " * Sarcastically * Oh really they Mutated ? Now You Realize this ? Fuck , I wish I had my gun "

Vortex : " * Throws a Gun * Here catch "

Y/n Caught it and fired at the Trees

Harley : " You think they will respond to Heavy Scolding . You are being Very Disrespectful "

They tree's surrounded them

Ivy : " Run ! "

They continued to run from the Tree's , The Crew See's them

King Shark : " Look at that , Ivy has gotten us tree army "

Harley : " To Crew * She can't control the Plant's "

Clayface : " Yes Harley * Cheers * "

Dr Pyscho : " Uh , I don't think Those tree's are on our side "

Harley : " Run ! "

The Crew ran , The trees Started Firing , hitting Ivy

Ivy : " Ah , that was my favorite top . Dick "

Clayface got hit , Everyone Thought he was going to die but he was actually ok

The trees had them Surrounded

Vortex : " If I go down , I'm taking you fuckers with me * Load's gun * "

Y/n , Harley and The Crew where defending themselves untill The Justice league arrived

Harley : " Hey nice save jerk off league "

Y/n laughed

Superman : " That's not our name at all "

The Justice league Defeat the tree's

??? : " Y/n , I'm so Disappointed "

Y/n : " Blitz , Brother "

Blitz : " Yep , I thought you could change unlike our parents but I was so wrong "

Y/n : " Whatever "

Harley : " * Watching Wonder Woman* How does she pull off those Clunky looking Bracelet's "

Ivy : " I know , it's like annoying "

Harley : " Well Hey You know thanks for the helping our crew "

The Flash tied Harley up

Harley : " Why am I tied up ? "

Wonder Woman : " Because you and your troublesome hoard are behind this anarchy "

Harley : " What ? "

Green lantern made a circle

Wonder Woman : " Harley Quinn , I declare and your allies Including they elderly War Criminal to be Banished to * To Superman * Do you want to say it since it's your thing ? "

Superman : " Thanks Diana , To the Phantom Zone ! "

Harley : " What ?! You got to be Shitting me "

Harley Quinn / Poison Ivy x Male Reader ( 2019 cartoon ) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя