No One But Us...

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Black brothers and sisters
Listen up
Listen up
You might not be aware of this
We are behind everything that was made
Both as rulers and as slaves
Music, dance, agriculture, religon
Structures, education and systems
Arts, ideas, inventions, economy
Values, sports, literature, technology
Justice, fellowship, compassion, creativity
Strength, soul, spirit and ability
Explored the limits of intellectual capacity
Justice, bravery, brilliance, sagacity
Resilience, willpower for withstanding
Empathy, kindness and understanding
We are the apple of God's eye!
Royalty and ever supreme
And yet treated as one-third of a human being
Are you hearing
Seeing what I am seeing?
I know so much stops you from believing
Generations of suffering and oppression
Its quite a lingering depression
Observe and examine
Tell me, what other nation has endured greater than we have
And when you find you've drawn a blank
You know its no one but us!
We may be the lowest in society right now
But God won't allow
This wickedness to reign forever
We're going to win and reign together
Know that we'll die
And win the crown
Never again oppressed or put down
Understand, they are the enemy
Full of hate and jealousy
For us
For who they'll never break
Love your brothers, love your sisters
Colored ladies, colored misters
Embrace and never release
Chase God
His love, His peace
Cause' no one else is going to save us
But Him

♡ Kasara ♡

just a book for ppl of color (tips/knowledge)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora