We Will Be Avenged

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I just wanna start off by saying that if you are a person of color, you better be careful.

Don't hang out anywhere in the late hours of night. Don't go making a lot of noise in public. Don't do anything to draw attention to yourself. Don't even look these people straight in the eye when you're around them. I swear, they'll find any reason- and I mean anything to get you arrested.

If you've been paying attention to the media, then you know about all those racist, overly dramatic Karens out there stirring up trouble. And its not just them, but if you find yourself around any white person calling the cops on you, you better dip like your life depends on it. Because believe me, it does. They're calling for your death. This has been an issue for generations, but its just that time ladies and gentlemen.

If you're even shopping and you have to pass a white person, take your cart and take a wide route to get to where you need to be. Don't give them anything they can say against you.

"Oh, that black male bumped me."

"Her child touched me."

"He looks suspicious."

"They're following me."

Its true, you don't even have to do anything to be falsely accused, but still.

We may be God's chosen people, but we are not invincible. We are most definitely gonna die.

But that's okay. Don't think God isn't seeing all this, because he hasn't missed a thing. What we need to do though, is trust him. Don't resist arrest. Don't fight this. God's got us and God's got this.

I hate that so many of us have to live in fear. I worry about my family in these times. Paranoia plagues my mind from time to time and I have to remember to look up there instead of looking down here at this world. I'm grateful to God for keeping all my family members this far.

And this whole #BlackLivesMatter movement we had over a month ago? We don't need it.

Just be still and let God move.

This fight isn't ours and it never was. Of course, we matter. This whole war had us wrapped up in it since Cain and Abel. Abel is one of our earliest forefathers and he was slain. Our people are still being slain today by the hands of these people.

I understand if many of you feel hopeless and petrified with what's going on. Its really depressing, honestly. But only if you don't change the way you look at it.

Let these people do as they please. You reap what you sow. The wrath of God awaits them. You keep doing right, family. Read your bible, find the truth. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those that spitefully use you. I know its hard. Things have to get worse before they get better. The storm has to come before the rainbow.

Don't let the winds blow away your faith. Don't let the tides wash away your resolve. I say this is as an encouragement to you all and to myself.

Stay safe, family.

Til' the next one.


♡ Kasara ♡

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