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Rain tapped against the window of our New York apartment, moving in with Emma was unexpected after all we'd only been dating six months, but the commute from her place to mine quickly became tiresome. Somehow she'd slowly began moving all of her things here anyways, it all started with that damned toothbrush, next thing I know my one bedroom flat is slowly being converted into her aesthetic...I have throw pillows now...THROW PILLOWS.

But none of that matters because when I turn over my eyes catch her sleeping figure, they study the way she's tucked tightly beneath the blankets and the way her amber hair rests softly along the outline of her face, reminding me why throw pillows never really mattered. All that mattered was her, smiling into the darkened room 'if I had to live in a Barbie pink house with glitter walls and obnoxiously fluffy blankets I'd do it, I'd do anything to make her happy.' Reaching for the phone, checking the hour for the fifth time in thirty minutes 'how is it still only four AM?!' I think, while also glancing at the temp 'yikes, it's forty eight degrees out, no wonder she's so bundled.'

Fall had arrived later than normal this year but damn is it making up for lost time, today we're supposed to head to the pumpkin patch because she insists it would be a cute date, I don't have the heart to tell her I find all that crap cheesy, Halloween is my least favorite time of year with the damned kids and their stupid trick or treating, besides my last girlfriend always wanted to do stuff like that too but it was only ever for show. The second the camera finished flashing for the thousandth time and she had found an instaworthy pose her whole demeanor would shift and out would come her true form, nearly ruining every date we ever had.

Hopefully this time with Emma will be different, she's nothing like 'she who shan't be named' no, my Emma is sweet, and true, she's never once forced me to be her own personal bitch. No, instead she's the one always waiting on me, always going out of her way to make sure I'm taken care of...where did I find this woman and when will I wake from this dream? Interrupting all thought from the slight shuffle in bed followed by the tiniest exhale 'is she finally awake?' After remaining frozen in place for a few seconds finally accepting she's still asleep and I'm still wide awake, glancing out the window watching each little raindrop slide down the pane a fuzzy sensation washes over warming every inch of my body 'is this what love feels like? Do I love her?' Feeling the answer within the temptation to wake her becomes overwhelming, hopefully she won't be too mad.

The soft tender feel of a hand brushing over my face slowly brings me from a deep sleep, instantly smiling as my vision finally focuses bringing him into view. My beautiful dark haired love leaning gently into my frame letting my hair run through his hand quietly whispering "oh you're up...good..." reaching for his hand bringing those roughened fingers to my lips, kissing over them slowly "I am now, what time is it?" Delicately brushing his thumb over the bottom lip making sure to linger feeling each pouty press of mouth "shhh...it doesn't matter...hear that? It's raining...." looking up out the window just a flash of lightning dances across the sky illuminating his beautiful freckle covered skin peeking from behind the blanket. Shivering from the breeze created by the hovering gap between the blanket and myself, quickly scooting further beneath him.

Looking down he smiles before allowing his figure to press down totally eliminating any space between us, softly the outline of his lips skim over mine just before covering them completely. Their swelled shape easily engulf my own, their petite shape fits perfectly against his while he presses deeper slowing all time to taste them, showing satisfaction with a somber mutter vibrating over them "mmm good morning...did you sleep well?" While answering one of his hands finds its way up around my waist slowly making the way up the buttoned shirt I wore to bed last night "I umm...I actually did, how'd you sleep?" The words were hard to form, my mind began to wander more and more with each slow loosening pinch of the buttons, one by one he answers with each new inch of exposed skin "...not...really...but...I'm...much....better...now..." the last word lingers in the air thickening the tension.

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