Welcome to my humble abode

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Hello Readers, firstly, thank you for reading my story. I honestly was not expecting a lot of readers.

So, coming to the story, this is not a regular YRHPK story where one couple is celebrated and other is thrashed, sometimes thoughtfully and sometimes  blatantly.

No sir, no such thing is gonna happen here!!!!

I was introduced to Yeh Rishtey Hain Pyaar Ke by my mother who started watching for the same reason I watched it with her, because we were bored out of our heads.

Yeah, so not a big fan of Itv, not at all. Not a fan of the never ending crying, the the three time echo rule, the close up shot rule, the drama or the 'mahaan' characters.

And truth be told, mishbir and kuku hold as much significance as the next fitness resolution I take to me, which is very low to none. Kuku a little more maybe, I'll tell you the reason.

Not a big fan of these 'destined to be by the universe itself' love stories which appear kinda cliche, extremely repetitive and sappy to me.

I watched the show because of the bond Abir and Kunal had which was a rarity in Itv.

I liked how much they loved each other. And the fact is, Kunal loved Abir more than Abir loved Kunal. 

So enough of that.... know the rest as  you dwell into the story.

Now, about the story.... For those who has not read the description. I am generous enough to do this for you.

The thing about Fictional characters is that you don't have to love them as people, you just have to love them as characters.

Which means, the more layered and more shady a character is, the more I like it!

Which is exactly why I prefer Kuhu and Kunal and especially Kunal over Mishti and Abir.

I don't blame anyone who hates them, the writers did spoil them to make the main characters 'mahaan!' 

Now if that is not the textbook definition of bad writing, Idk what is!

So, the only character I borderline loved in the entire soap opera was Kunal Rajvansh. The next in line are Abir Rajvansh and Kuhu Rajvansh.

(I am not a Mishti hater.... I just don't love her!)

And on that note... this story is completely about him, our nanko!

P.S. This is my opinion, feel free to have your own. Just do me a favour and don't rub it off on me cause I am not rubbing mine on you!

Oh and also, I recognize Kunal is the baby of family or is potrayed to be.

He is a kind of character to whom, TOUCHWOOD NOTHING HAS TO HAPPEN, EVER! 

Atleast, according to Abir!

I am gonna break the Touchwood and screw him royally.

*laughs evilly*

So brace yourself to a ton of angst and to throw light upon issues that are otherwise ignored.

And also, Hindi is not my mother tongue. So, it is not my first language. it is neither the second nor the third. So, forgive me for any errors.

Also this is a kinda self indulgent story... not my regular projects.

It has been sitting on my stash for atleast a year.

I have been a tad bit embarrassed to publish it until now.

Blame the decision to publish on the stress of back to back examinations since two months.

I will continue if I get support for this book.

Meet you in the first chapter.

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