Chapter 11: Special

Start from the beginning

"Me too."


Russia finished talking to his sister, telling her he would stay to make sure Canada didn't go into a relapse and get sick again. After that, he checked in on the boy. He knocked first and waited for the Canadian to answer. After Canada told him to, Russia opened the door to his room and looked in.

"Are you alright?" He asked. Canada was at his desk looking at some papers.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Just making sure your not sick…You took off pretty quickly this morning da?" Russia asked. Canada was silent.


"Don't apologize. Just explain." Russia said. Canada didn't look toward the Russian and became silent again. "Did you go deaf?"

"No." Canada said.

"Then why won't you talk?"

"I had to shower."

"You ran off very fast to shower da?"

"S-Shut up." Canada mumbled. Russia barely made out the words but he heard them.

"Did I upset you with that memory or something?" Russia asked, there had to be a reason he forgot it right? Canada went silent again and gave Russia the hint. "I am sorry if I brought up something that was…painful to you."


"No what?"

"Stop talking about it." Canada said. Russia walked over to the boy and looked at his face. Canada looked up at Russia. "What?"

"You look upset."

"I-I'm just…Tired."

"You sure slept a long time thought." Russia said. Russia looked at Canada more.


"You do remember that memory right?"

"Yeah. I remember. You questioned my gender."

"You wore a dress…."

"France put me in it!"

"Okay okay. Sorry." Russia said and the Canadian calmed down a bit. He looked back to his paper work, his hair ended up falling in front of his face a bit. Russia looked at him more. "Back then, what had happened to your face anyway? All the bruising and cuts?" Canada dropped his pen.

"I-I got a little hurt when I fought in America's Revolution."

"You really did fight in it?"

"Yes. I did. I was on England's side, clearly we lost." He said.

"And how did you get hurt?" Russia asked. Canada sat back in his chair.

"We were ambushed."


"Yeah. By the rebels."

"And what? You fell or something?"

"One of the rebels hit me across the face with the end of his musket." Canada said. Ouch, Russia didn't expect that. "Pretty damn hard too. It almost knocked me out."

"England didn't protect you?"

"He usually would of actually. He couldn't though."


"He was shot."


"Yeah. That ambush was sudden and they ended up killing 29 out of 34 soldiers."

"I didn't know that…."

"It was off the record, no one really knows, and America doesn't like to be reminded of it. Those rebels went against his orders with that." Canada said. His tone was all serious and upset. Russia decided that was enough to know. Canada decided to change the subject. "We're getting a snow storm tonight, just so you know."

"Oh. Alright." Russia said. Snow would usually bring General Winter, no matter where Russia was, he would find him through the snow. Russia looked at Canada. Please don't let him come Matthew.


First off, this is influenced by "Giving In" By Artificial. We did talk it over and the author has given me permission to start it like this.

I do not own the characters used in this, nor do I own the anime they are from.

So, hoping your liking this! Sorry if General Winter is a little messed up, I really don't know how to put him in, I'm only going by what I know from my friend. So. Da.

General Winters gonna become more important too…. Just saying.

And I am sorry if I got Ukraine's human name wrong, I Googled it 

Translations: (All done by Google Translator)


Da: Yes.

Оставьте меня в покое!: Leave me alone!

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