"Its more of a personal thing but this part represents that im a sagittarius right here" he said pointing at it.

"Right here is Jupiter since i am fascinated with outer space" he said pointing to the planet.

"And here are sound waves, representing my love of music, and right here you can see a little astronaut" Corbyn smiled as i looked it over.

"And here are sound waves, representing my love of music, and right here you can see a little astronaut" Corbyn smiled as i looked it over

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"Thats really cool, very creative" i said "what about that one" i pointed at his other arm were the bow and arrow had caught my eye.

"Oh ya, well the meaning of it is how even when life drags you back you always move forward like a bow and arrow, although it kinda looks like an umbrella" Corbyn laughed.

"But it always feels like there something more to it, like thats not the only reason i got it, i just felt so drawn twards it" he said.

"I assume you like it because you are an archer, which i think is awsome" he laughed and i nodded.

"Do you have any idea what other reason you got it?" I asked and Corbyn shook his head no.

"Then i have this one" he said going back to his other arm, flipping it over showing moon cycles.

"Being a werewolf, i have a connection to the moon so thats what that one means" he said and i nodded.

"Do you go, you know...crazy on the full moon?" I asked.

"No, not anymore. I only had trouble when i was first bit, but i met Jonah and he helped me learn control, as he also did with Daniel, he is also a bitten wolf. Jonah, Jack and Zach are all born wolfs" Corbyn said and i nodded.

"How long have you been like this?" I asked.

"Since i was fifteen" he told me and i nodded.

Once we finished our pasta we put the pates and cups in the sink.

"So, Zach said you told him that you never miss a shot with your bow, is that true?" Corbyn asked as we stood in the kitchen.

"Yes, ever since...that day, i have had insane accuracy, its like i cant miss. And its not just with archery, just anything that has to do with aiming" i told him.

"Do you mind showing me, is there anything you can use?" Corbyn started talking and i walked twards the counter and reached out twards the knife's, ignoring the words that came out of his mouth.

"Uh, um, Evie, why are you grabbing a knife?" Corbyn asked as i held it.

"Stand still" i told him and held the knife up.

Corbyn froze as he stood against the wall.

I threw the knife, it hitting the wall directly next to his head and he looked at it in shock and i smiled confidently.

"See, i never miss" i said and he smiled a bit, letting out a breathy laugh.

I walked over and pulled the knife fron the wall and set it in the sink, then went to go and sit on the couch as Corbyn followed me.

I heard a ring from the table and Freya's contact popped up.

I picked up my phone, answering the call.

"Hey" i said.

"Hey Evie, i got a break from all the family stuff and thought i would check on you. How are you doing?" Freya said.

"Im doin good, um, Corbyn's here actually" i said.

"Corbyn? I dont like him, why is he there?" Freya said and Corbyn raised an eyebrow.

"Freya its fine, he knows i am home alone and i dont like to be, so he offered to stay and keep me company" i told her.

"Well i dont trust him, and it didn't seem like you liked him very much so why the sudden change?" She said.

"He's not the guy i thought he was..." i paused and glanced at Corbyn, his eyes already on me "he is actually pretty cool".

"I would have to meet him to know for myself, how old is he anyway?" Freya asked.

"He's twenty one, almost twenty two" i said.

"Hm, so he's older, okay whatever but i want to know what your answer is about that party on Saturday" she said and i rolled my eyes but Corbyn's attention peaked at this.

I looked at him and he nodded at me, i shook my head and he pouted.

Okay what? That is the most tempting pouty face i have ever seen.

"I'll go with you, i can bring the boys" Corbyn half whispered.

I shook my head at him and he made puppy dog eyes and a quivering lip and i felt my jaw drop at his cuteness.

He mouthed 'please' while putting his hands together before i finally gave in.

"Ugh fine, i will go" i said and Corbyn put a victory fist in the air and Freya squealed.

I heard someone calling her in the background, Scottish accent so it was clearly family stuff.

"I got to go, but i am so excited! See you tomorrow" Freya said and i said goodbye and hung up.

"Great, now i have to go to a party" i slouched in my spot on the couch and Corbyn laughed at me.

I really thought that he was just wanting to rip my throat out. But Corbyn is something different.

And there's something about him that just draws me to him and i have no clue why.

So why is she drawn to him?
She's finally letting him in, but there's more to Corbyn that she has yet to find out, something that has haunted him for years.
But will he be willing to tell her?

Dont forget to vote!!

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