"You think?"

"I know. I know him well enough to know he loves you. You were stuck on the wrong side of this war dear and I'm so sorry. You both deserve happiness together."

"God I need him to be ok. We need to fight together"

"You both will fight together"

Hermione walked in.

"Are you ok?! Oh uh... hi ms..?"

"Mrs Malfoy"

"Right. Hello Mrs Malfoy"

The three of you talked for a while, before the men had arrived back.


You ran up to him and he kissed you. He pulled you close to him by your waist, and your hands tangled in his hair.

"Love I'm ok I promise"

"I'm not letting go of you"

He held on to you.

"Draco my lovely boy. I promise I will see you soon"

"Love you mother"

"And take good care of that one. She loves you, you know?"

"Yes I do. And I love her more"

"A great danger is going to arrive soon, and you both will do the right thing. I just know it."

Then Lucius Malfoy entered.

"Narcissa. Time to go."

She stood up and gave Draco and you a hug.

"Goodbye my children"

They disappeared.

"Your mother is sweet."

"Yes she is"

"Reminds me of my mum. She was the sweetest woman anyone could ever meet."

He pulled you into a hug.

"Sounds like you turned out exactly like her then"

He held you there for a moment before you felt it. The searing pain in your arm, where the dark mark was. It hurt so bad you fell onto the ground.

"Darling are you ok?!"

"M-my mark Draco it hurts! It hurts so bad"

You tried your best to stay quiet. Draco had no idea what was wrong, he sat on the ground with you and placed kisses on your head, holding you tight. Hermione and Pansy ran in.

"What is happening in here?!"

You were screaming in pain, eventually having to take off your hoodie to see the mark and what was wrong with it.

"Oh my god Y/n you have a dark mark"

"Everyone calm the fuck down she didn't have a bloody choice now are you going to help or not?!"

"Yes of course what do we need to do?"

"Get Snape now!"

The girls ran off.

"Y/n baby it's ok I'm right here"

"It hurts so much Dray"

Snape rushed into the room and saw the mark, which was now glowing a yellow-gold colour.

"My god you two. My office. Now"

He moved the three of you into his office.

"I've only seen this once before. In your mother"

He eased the pain for you

"What exactly happened to her?"

"You have a royal bloodline"

Draco's eyes went wide

"What does that even mean?"

"Many years ago, the entire wizard world was ruled by one royal family. They were powerful and very well liked. Voldemort was jealous of this and built an army, killing the entire family. He however, missed the baby princess. She at the time was your grandmother, your mother's mother. The mark is trying to remove itself from you. Because your blood is truly pure."

You were completely shocked. You didn't know what to say and neither did Draco.

"I can perform the spell to remove it, as your body is already rejecting it"

"But what about Draco? He has one as well."

"Unless you both are joined by blood or the special marriage ritual, he is not part of your family, and therefore i cannot remove it"

"Does my father know about this?"

"The dark lord, your father, and Draco's father know. They're planning on killing you, so that your father is next in line"

You could barely breathe

"We need to kill them. All of them. You have a power most people cannot even comprehend. You don't need a wand or charms or potions, you're powerful enough to explode the earth with your mind and they want that power. And you both need to decide quickly if you will choose to marry or not, we don't have much time."

Snape exited the room. You and Draco just stared at each other.

"What the fuck just happened?!"

Draco didn't respond.

"Darling listen to me. We aren't forced to do anything if you don't want. I'll be fine without you as long as you're safe"

You pressed a kiss on his lips.

"I can't do any of this without you. We're getting married. Unless you don't want to"

"Of course I want to I love you so much"

He smiled at you and you hugged him. Snape walked back in.

"Let's do it."

Jeez you've royal blood! And you have to marry Draco to save him! Hope you guys enjoyed!

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