It's a....

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2 months later.....

It had been two months since the gang had been to Mexico. The celebration had been great and everyone had a blast. But now wasn't one of those times. Especially not today. Well, it technically WAS a day to celebrate but not in Cleo's case. Cleo was currently in a room of the hospital groaning in agony. She had gone into labor sometime last night and everyone was in the room with her waiting for the baby to come. "Breathe, Cleo, breathe!" encouraged Daphne. "I AM BREATHING!" shouted Cleo in pain as another contraction hit her. Demon was sitting as far away from his wife as possible so HE didn't end up as a patient. "DEMON I SWEAR TO THE GODS IF YOU EVER PUT ANOTHER ONE OF THESE THINGS IN ME I'LL SCALP YOU, CUT OUT YOUR TONGUE, AND GOUGE OUT YOUR EYES ALL AT THE SAME TIME!" yelled Cleo doubling over in pain. "Didn't I tell you Demon was going to be in hot water with Cleo when it was time?" asked Starchild. "Try boiling hot." said Spaceman. "Like I'm terrified and I'm not even the one she's after!" cried Shaggy poking his head out of the closet where he and Scooby were hiding. "Come outta there you two! She can't even get out of the bed!" said Catman tapping his foot. "Who said it was her getting out of bed we're worried about!?" laughed Shaggy nervously. "I don't think Cleo's even able to use her powers right now, guys. Then again, I could be wrong." said Fred. "That's why I took the ankh out of her purse." said Velma holding up the golden necklace. "GET THIS THING OUTTA ME!" yelled Cleo. "Sorry, Cleo, not time yet!" said Fred moving away from the bed. "You'd think being in labor for over 12 hours would be enough." said Daphne. "Kinda makes you wonder how Cleo's mom did it three times." said Starchild. "Let alone be able to nourish a growing baby when she's technically undead." said Spaceman. "Who cares, like I for one hope he or she comes soon before someone accidently ends up as a statute!" cried Shaggy. "Reah! Ratute!" repeated Scooby. "Ohh, I can't wait to find out if its a boy or girl!" cried Daphne. "I don't think Cleo really cares right now what it is so long as it isn't in her anymore." said Velma.  

Another three hours had passed before the doctor came in and deemed Cleo ready to give birth. Demon stayed in the room while the rest of the gang was ushered into the waiting room. "Am I the only one who feels sorry for Demon right about now?" asked Catman as they sat and waited. A chorus of "NO"s echoed the waiting room. "What about the baby. Do you think Cleo's having more than one?" asked Daphne thinking back to what Charlene said. "We won't know for sure until we're told that we can go back in." said Fred. "Right, and like I'm heading to the gift shop. Might as well do some shopping for Cleo and the baby while we're waiting!" said Shaggy standing up. "Great idea, Shaggy, we can all get something for the baby!" said Velma. "And some pain medication for Demon if they've got any." said Starchild as the group stood up and headed for the elevators. 

It was another hour and a half to two hours before the gang came back. Mainly because Shaggy and Scooby insisted everyone head to the cafeteria first. As everyone entered the waiting room, Demon came through the doors wearing scrubs. "Demon! Is it here yet!?" asked Daphne excitedly. "Oh yeah. Took a little over two hours but it's over." said Demon. "Well what is it? A boy or girl?" asked Fred. "Both." said Demon. "Ohhh! Twins! I knew it!" cried Daphne. "Not exactly, Daphne." said Demon. "What? How many are there then?" asked Catman. "I'll show you. Come on." said Demon leading the way back to Cleo's room. When they got back to the room, there were a total of THREE basinets in there. "Jinkies, triplets!" whispered Velma noticing Cleo was passed out in the bed. "Try again." whispered Demon as Shaggy entered the room and walked over to the basinets. "ZOI-!" he started but quickly clamped his mouth shut. "What is it, Shag?" asked Fred as the rest of the gang walked over to the sleeping babies. "Uh...Demon, I think you and Cleo are going to need a bigger house." whispered Spaceman as he looked inside.   


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"Quintuplets!" gasped Velma. "Yep. Three girls and two boys." said Demon. "Looks like they may have inherited their grandmother's skin tone." said Starchild. "Funny, Cleo said the same thing. Though she knows her mother better than me." said Demon. "Looks like your mother-in-law won't be bothering you two for grandkids anymore!" whispered Starchild. "No kiddin. Cleo already contacted her mom and brother through their magic link and according to Cleo before she passed out, her mother was thrilled by the news and her brother ended up fainting." said Demon. "Like man I feel sorry for him if he gets babysitting duty!" whispered Shaggy. "Mind telling us their names, Demon?" whispered Spaceman. "Yeah, the one in green is Ranald, Cleo wanted to name him after her father. The peach one is Lotus because that's her favorite flower. The pink one is Lapis. Don't ask me why, according to Cleo she heard her brother mention the name and decided she liked it. The yellow one is Draco. And Roxy's in the reddish brown one." said Demon. "Like man that's going to be a headache to remember when they're older if they all end up looking alike!" said Shaggy. "Uh huh!" agreed Scooby nodding his head. "Oh! They're so cute! Can we hold them?" asked Daphne. "Sure, Daph, just be careful you don't wake them." whispered Demon. Daphne slowly reached inside and picked up Lotus gently rocking her. Fred ended up with Draco, Shaggy with Lapis, Velma with Roxy, and Spaceman was holding Ranald. Demon looked over at his wife and saw she had opened her eyes with a tired smile as she watched her friends hold her children. Demon walked over to her and gave her hand a gentle squeeze as they watched their friends coo over the newborns. There were now five new members of the Scooby Gang. And to be honest, neither parent was complaining. They were quite happy with their family. Sure they'd have to wait a few years before they joined their parents in solving mysteries, but Demon and Cleo both knew that was an experience they couldn't wait to share with their children.     

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