Museum Hassle

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"Remind me to severely hurt you for not bothering to check if anything was wrong with the van or not!" groaned Cleo walking out of the gas station after using the restroom there. "How was I supposed to know!?" asked Demon. "Oh, I don't know....BECAUSE YOU WERE IN THE FRONT SEAT!?" yelled Cleo crossing her arms. "How much longer until the baby comes?" asked Spaceman taking a few sips of soda. "Two months." said Velma in annoyance. "Hey, Cat, like I got you a sandwich and a few churros." said Shaggy walking over to the drummer and handing him the items. "Uh....thanks." said Catman taking the food. "Like no problem. Like it's just my way of saying sorry about what happened back at the hotel." said Shaggy rubbing the back of his neck. "The hotel? Shaggy, you've been acting off since we left to come here!" said Catman. "I know! I know! Like the truth is....hey, like that's mine!" cried Shaggy seeing Armon and Scooby going through the bags of food he bought for himself. "Stop thieves!" cried Shaggy running towards the two of them. "My, and I thought Armon was bad when it came to food." said Rath crossing his arms. Soon after, everyone was back in the van. Fred was still behind the wheel as everyone had fallen asleep during the night. "Like oh is it morning already?" asked Shaggy rubbing sleep out of his eyes. "You can say that again. I could've used a few more hours of sleep. I think I dozed off next to Cleo's stomach." said Starchild rubbing his head. "Whoever is on me, GET OFF!" yelled Cleo. "I can't move! Someone's on ME!" retorted Rath. "Rath, so help me I'll send you into the afterlife all over again!" yelled Cleo angrily. "Whelp, we know Cleo's awake." said Fred. "Yeah, and like you're not back here with her!" cried Shaggy as the Mystery Machine drove into a Mexican History Museum. 

As the gang made their way inside (after Cleo calmed down), Nefertina spotted something. "Hey guys, check this out!" she said excitedly as she got on an ancient looking scooter. "Leave it to Nefertina to spot an ancient scooter." sighed Jakal as everyone found a scooter of their own and rode on it. They stopped in front of some kind of theatre inside the museum. Cleo let out a groan of pain as she felt a sharp kick. 'Oh well, here we go again!' she thought as the museum curator led them inside the building. Cleo sat between Demon and Rath as the woman began to explain to them about human sacrifice. "Human sacrifice? Back in our day we sacrificed animals." whispered Armon. "You know, they really get into their acting don't they?" whispered Alejo to Luis who nodded in agreement. "Now then, I will ask for a volunteer from the audience. Any takers?" asked the museum lady. Shaggy and Scooby immediately hid under their seats as Jakal and Starchild looked under the seats where they were now hiding. "How about you?" she asked standing in front of Cleo holding out her hand. Cleo cocked a brow looking at her husband before handing him her purse and taking the woman's hand. "Ah, Cleo, I don't think that's a good idea when your seven months pregnant!" said Fred as everyone started to get out of their seats. Well, Shaggy and Scooby popped their heads out. Cleo wordlessly laid on her back and crossed her arms as a blanket was thrown over her entire body. The warriors surrounded Cleo and began banging their staffs on the ground while the museum lady walked to the front of the alter and snapped her fingers. A cloud of smoke enveloped them for a brief moment and vanished with absolutely NO ONE at the alter. "CLEO!" shouted Demon getting to his feet. "Mother is most definitely going to curse me for this one...." said Rath sounding worried. "What was your first clue!?" asked Nefertina in annoyance. "Jeepers! They're gone!" cried Daphne. "You've been warned! Kindly leave using the light up arrows to the doors clearly marked exit. Super!" came the museum lady's voice over the speaker system. "Leaving my tut! If we don't get my sister back, my mother will have my head!" said Rath. "Like can't we just leave!? I'm sure Cleo will be able to free herself!" cried Shaggy. "Ain't happening, Shag. Cleo didn't give up on you when the Crimson Witch sucked you guys into the portal, and now your returning the favor!" said Starchild as he and Spaceman pushed them towards the alter. "Oh boy, the things we do for our best friend, eh, Scoob?" asked Shaggy. "Reah!" agreed Scooby. "But who would want to kidnap Cleo?" asked Alejo. "I'm not certain, but look at this." said Jakal grabbing something off the ground. "Mile Enter? What does that mean?" asked Nefertina. "I'm not sure, but it must've fallen off of one of the warrior's costumes." said Velma. "Hey, let me see that." said Fred pulling a torch off the wall as the alter slid to the side. "HEY!" yelled Armon who was standing on top of the alter itself. "Jinkies, a secret passage!" cried Velma. "And perfect enough to make a quick getaway." said Starchild. "Speaking of getting away..." said Shaggy as he and Scooby backed away only to bump into both Rath and Velma before quickly tiptoeing forward again. "I bet if we follow this tunnel, it'll lead us right to Cleo." said Spaceman. "And her kidnappers!" said Alejo. "Oh great, dark spooky tunnels. I HATE dark spooky tunnels!" cried Shaggy following Fred down the stairs. Everyone began to walk down the stairs until the step Armon was on broke causing him to grip a statue on the wall for balance. The statue ended up sliding down the wall causing the stairs to slant downwards as a ramp. "ARMON!!!" yelled Rath as everyone lost their footing and landed on their butts and began sliding down. "My bad!" yelled Armon. "LOOK OUT!" shouted Nefertina pointing to a bunch of stone fists pounding the stone right where they were heading. "Lean!" yelled Jakal as everyone leaned side to side to prevent being pummeled. "Uh oh!" shouted Catman as the were sliding right towards a fire breathing serpent head. Every one began running back up only for a fireball to hit where they where going forcing everyone to climb on top of each other's shoulder's making a human ladder. Shaggy was at the top while Scooby was on the bottom. The single pillar they were on leaned forward and Scooby ended up hitting his nose on the cliff side before climbing up followed by Jakal, Rath, Spaceman, until everyone had made it up safely. "Look, here's a door!" cried Velma pointing up ahead to a door that was there.            

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