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So... I don't really know to start this, so anyway, let's get to it.

You guys may be aware of my break away from Wattpad (apart from PM and Message Boards) and the occasional update. But I have to confess, that I'm not sure when I'll be back to updating. As I said, before will probably be in December or later.

But I feel the need to confess why I'm on such a break in more detail, that much I owe you guys.

So, ever since the lockdown and the whole pandemic situation. I've found myself slowly degrading, as in my mental health and sanity. To the point now, that I feel trapped, even when out in the world (which is not much time considering everything that's happening) and it's taking a serious toll on myself. As I find myself detaching away from writing, reading you guys fanfics, and even my college work.

It's that I feel that I'm not in the best of ways when it comes to my work and writing so I am taking the time away to really focus on it, and so I'm not either anxious or nervous when it comes to updating when it comes to the fear of my works.

And also to try and amend and find a way for me to cope properly through the terrible year that is 2020 (I hate this year so much, just too much pain) Though seeing all of you being so support of me and my works — especially fellow authors and readers who have reached out to me personally — has really helped me out as of late. To which I thank you all.

I couldn't be here without you guys. And I know I've said previously about my break, but I felt the need to really clear the air around it, to be more straightforward. With that said, I still honestly don't know when I'll back to updating. I'm hopefully planning to update the Christmas holidays as I hope to have some work finished by then. But, I hope you'll all be pleased, or at least understanding that I need time.

Time: "My worst nightmare, and greatest ally."

So, I want to apologise to you all for coming fourth sooner, or revealing the true extent on why. As before I didn't have the... stones, I'd say, to openly admit such a thing. As being an author was not such a responsibility I had ever dreamed of having even a year ago. But one I wear with a heavy burden during the rest that weigh just as heavy.

Yet it is one I cherish the most, out of all. Everyone of you have made my time here so welcoming and touched, that I cannot simply express how thankful I am in my words here. But again, thank you.

I hope you all understand, and if not, then it is completely fine. I, myself, understand plenty. If anyone needs more clarification on the matter, then don't hesitate to PM me a message.

I don't bite :)

But, as my last update for the coming months. Thank you everyone for the massive support of myself, and my stories as a whole. I never could've hoped, nor dreamed to get where I am on here at Wattpad without you guys. Simply, I would not exist here without you, and the fellow authors that encouraged me to take a terrifying step forward into entering something — that two years ago I hardly cared about — that I absolutely love beyond all measure now.

Before I go, I'd like to mention a few readers/authors on here. Who I would never have managed to achieve on here all that I have, without them. Please, show them all the deserving love and support they showed me.


I'm sorry if I missed anyone, all of you have been nothing but kind, and caring to me in my time here. I hope to continue that time as well, when I come back, and I hope far better than I am currently feeling. So, thank you again, I know I thank a lot, but it's the only way I know of truly expressing my appreciation to you all, everyone.

So, goodbye for now. I'll see you all when I see you.

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