Chapter Seven

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    A sliver of light shone out of the corner of Levi's left eye. He swiftly ducked as a sword sliced above his head. He jumped back up and threw himself backwards as Rumple thrust his sword.

    Levi felt his heart pounding against his chest. They had been fighting for twenty minutes or so, but it felt like an eternity. His arms burned from the weight of carrying this sword for so long, but he couldn't give up. He was afraid of what Rumple would do to him if he did.

    He observed Rumplestiltskin seeing that his opponent didn't look a tad bit tired. Was he just a good fighter? Or was he using magic to help him? Mother even said she'd seen him fight before, and Levi had never fought a day in his life except to keep the animals away that would threaten their village.

    He gasped as he raised his sword in front of his face blocking Rumple's swing just in time. "You're gonna have to do better then that, boy, if you want to defeat me."

    Rumple pushed his shoulder into Levi causing him to stumble.

    Levi lowered his sword as he rubbed his chest. He raised his sword back up and looked where Rumple once stood to find that he was no longer there, like he had vanished completely.

    "Levi, look out!"

    He swung to his left where Elyssa had called from to come face to face with a blade. He backed away and raised his hand to block his face, immediately feeling the sting of metal as it entered and exited his flesh.

    He cried out in pain as he dropped his sword and fell to the ground backwards clenching his arm. Warm liquid gushed in between his fingers, but he dared not look. He knew it was blood. His blood. How could he have been so foolish to trust Rumplestiltskin?    


    In a matter of seconds, both his Mother and Elyssa were at his side. Mother flung her hand forward sending a pulse of some sort of magic Rumple's way, but Rumple easily deflected it.

    Levi clenched his eyes and gritted his teeth at the pain. The sting ran from his elbow to his wrist. Was that how bad it was? That long? How bad the cut? Could you see the bone? Was he going to die? Lose his arm? He hated himself for agreeing to this.

    "That doesn't look too good," he heard Elyssa whisper. Though, being right next to his ear didn't help her.

    Levi heard his blood thumping in his ears, and he felt as if he could pass out. Though, he didn't know if it was from shock or from the wound.

    "No, he's losing too much blood," Mother replied. 

    "Allow me."

    "Get away from him!" Mother shouted. "You're the one who did this to him!"

    That same high pitched giggle echoed in his ears. "Yes, that is correct, but..." He paused. "I can also heal it."

    Levi's eyes popped open, and he looked up into Rumple's eyes with plea in his own. "Please! Do it!" He wanted his voice to come out desperate. He wanted to be healed, but he couldn't help how weak his tone sounded.

    His vision blurred, and he felt his hand grasped around his wound go limp as he began to fall backward. Thankfully, he didn't hit the ground. Young, soft hands caressed his head and he knew it was Elyssa.

    "Then do it!" Mother begged. "Do it now before it's too late."

    With a wave of Rumple's hand, blue sparkles appeared once more.

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