🎃Halloween special 🎃

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Team was walking to the pool because he had gotten a message from his boyfriend (Win.) Team didn't know what he was needed for, but non the less he still went. He was on his phone just scrolling through his Instagram. It was Halloween and everyone was posting them all dressed up in there outfits.

Team was dressed as a vampire, he dressed as the stereo typical vampire, with the cape, the fangs, and the olden time outfit. He didn't really have an original idea so he just went with the thing most people associate Halloween with: vampires.

Walking up the long, tall stair case Team almost tripped up the stairs. He had made it to the top and was walking into the swimming pool area. Team was calling Wins name "win, WiN...WIN," but no response. He was walking around to see if he could spot win.

Team was by one of the diving boards and he sat on it and muttered to himself 'why the hell would you call me here if your not even here, Jesus win I love you and all, but you know how much I hate being alone, especially on Halloween.'

Win on the other hand was plotting an evil plan, he loved team so much, but sometimes he loved to mess with the cute boy. No matter how much trouble it got him into, he hated when team was mad at him but also loved it. He loved making up different ways to make team forgive him. And not that team would admit it, but he too also loved when win showered him with roses or brought him loads of packets of lays (yes, lays not chocolate).

Win had his phone plugged into the speakers, which they announce the competition's on, win was playing all the stereo typical, haunted noises. He started playing them one by one and team was...let's just say not very happy. Team was freaking out, when win played the squeaking of the chair legs dragging across the floor. Team jumped and screamed.

Win had these different noises on a loop and slowly, and quietly got into the pool, swam up behind the stood boy, with his back to the pool. Win grabbed his ankle and pulled him into the pool.

For Team it all happened in slow motion, first he was with his feet on the floor paranoid, paralyzed and the next he's being pulled into the pool by someone, something he wasn't too sure. The only thing his body could remember to do was scream.

Team felt trapped, his body paralyzed, his mind stopped he couldn't breathe, he was stuck under water with no way to oxygen, 'HELP' he screamed under water. Before he could inhale any water, he was pulled up gasping for air.

Team looked over to see who had rescued him, it was non-other than win. He looked over to his so called boyfriend "what the fuck win, I could of died!!"

Win looked at him guilt in his eyes "I'm sorry I would never let you die," he said back. Team just looked over to him and said "sure you would" Win was now kinda offended at teams words.

"Team look at me," win cups team cheeks and pulls his face to look at him "now I know I'm not the best boyfriend, because I like to tease you, mess with you and I know you hate it, but team that's just the way I am and if you can't except that then, well I don't know what. But god team, I love you so much, not any of the word in the dictionary can explain my love of you, you caged my heart and tamed it to be your pet the day I met you. The moment my eyes lay on you was the moment I lost my heart to you. I don't know if it Was the same for you, but it was like that for me, and trust me when I say my heart has a mind of it's own, I mean that but out of everyone in the world it chose you. The smart, childish, lay loving, sexy, handsome, perfect you. It chose you, and I wouldn't change that for the world. Baby, I love you."

Team looks at win with amazement in his eyes, not ever did he think that words like that could come out of someones mouth about him. "Win...I-I'm lost for words," team stuttered breathless. Win stared at the boy with love in his eyes. Team stared back their eyes lost in the moment, not one of them even wanting to look away, the eyes of the other were too captivating.

This was the moment, team finally had enough courage to say those three words that he'd been wanting to say for so long "I love you, win" win was shocked to say the least, that was the first time team had ever said those words and it couldn't have been more perfect.

Win wrapped his arms around team pulling him closer, team wrapped his arms around win "maybe we should ya know, get out" win chuckled and agreed.


Win and team were now back at wins apartment. They both needed a shower, but win offered for team to go first but much to his surprise team offered to shower with him, win was going to decline but thought to himself 'when will I ever get this chance again' so, he accepted his offer.

They were now both in the shower. "Turn around," win told team. "Why?," team questioned. Win just grabbed the body wash and sponge, 'oh' team mouthed. Win got the sponge wet and rubbed the soap into it, then proceeded to scrub team all over.

"Hey, win?"


"I'm sorry if I was horrible to you earlier at the pool"

Win turned team around by the shoulder and looked him in the eye. "Hey,it's okay. I know you didn't mean any of it" win offered him a soft smile, which team returned.

Team at this moment in time wanted to kiss win but his mind was overthinking it all 'what would happen after? Would he hate it?' But then team mumbled mainly to himself "fuck you thoughts, I'm done with overthinking," this was mainly to himself but win heard and before he could say anything, team grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss, a deep and passionate kiss. Win obviously return said kiss, I mean why wouldn't he team is the love of his life.

But that said kiss turned into something more. Team was now pinned to the wall of the bathroom. Win was kissing his lips, but it wasn't enough he wanted more, so he slid his tongue across teams bottom lip asking for entry but team being a tease declined him entry. Win not being very happy with the decision of teams he grabbed his ass, which caused team to gasp, win entered teams mouth with his tongue. He was now searching every inch of the other's mouth not leaving a spot untouched.

Win moved down to teams neck licking and sucking on a certain stop on the boys neck, which caused him to go mad. Team was moaning uncontrollably, he couldn't stop the sensations that win was sending through his body was unbelievable.

Once team had caught his breath just a little he mentioned,

"How about we take this to the bedroom?"


Happy Halloween everyone 🎃

Special chapter for today hope you enjoyed

Vote comment if ya wanna :)

Word count: 1269

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