"Should we get a starter?" Louis asked a moment later. "I'm not sure about the quantity of these posh food. And I'm quite hungry."

"Well, we could always get some cheese straws", Harry shrugged.

Louis nodded and a minute later, a waiter came to their table to their orders. He ordered something with a really long and fancy name. As far as Harry was concerned and considering the waiter's face, it was pronounced perfectly. Harry, however, panicked and pointed to the first thing on the menu.

"My pronunciation isn't that great", he smiled at the waiter.

The waiter nodded politely, "How would you like it cooked, sir?"

"Uh...just tender? Please."

"And can we get some cheese sticks, please?" Louis added.

"Of course, sir. Your food will be here shortly", she said with a little nod and walked off.

"So," Louis spoke once they were alone. "Any plans for spring break?"

"It's a month away. But no, nothing yet. You got any games?"

"Not sure, either. Few guys are planning to stay and train for the matches after the break. If we do better in those games individually, we get a different set of training after the summer vacation, like an advanced one. And scouts will be there for next semester games. We best that and get into the team with promising guidance to a good career."

"Wow, that sounds like a lot of pressure", Harry said.

He never really gave a long thought about Louis' games, the strategy and the effort he made to score every game. He always had an opinion that people like Louis were lucking it out while just kicking a ball around. But since he's been more in tune with Louis' schedule for the past couple weeks, he's starting to understand that Louis was a hard-working individual.

As they talked about their plans further, the waiter returned with their food. He placed some kind of fish in front of Louis —it still had the head on with its ridiculous eyes, and delicious looking pasta in front of Harry, which the waiter kindly informed him were 'intestines'.

"Intestines?" Harry mumbled, poking at the long strings with his fork and looked up at Louis, noting that he was doing the same with his meal. "Something wrong?"

Louis blushed instead of answering.


"I uh, I don't like fish," he murmured. "Especially the raw one."

Harry cocked his head, "They why did you order it?"

Blushing some more, Louis leaned forwards towards him, "I can only read Italian. I don't understand it. I thought this was lamb."

Harry couldn't help but burst out laughing, smacking a palm against his mouth when a couple sitting nearby looked at him.

"Oh my god, Louis! You honestly thought I would've ordered bloody intestines if I'd known what I was reading?" he poked at the food.

Louis blinked for a moment, finally catching on that Harry didn't know Italian either and relaxes with a chuckle, "We're idiots."

"We totally are. You are the one who got us here", Harry grinned.

"Not my fault I won coupons for this place after bidding highest for your awesome painting of our room", Louis sassed back.

"Think we can ditch here and go to the diner down the road?"

Louis looked like he was contemplating it but shook his head instead, "There's Tesco nearby and a park. Come on, we're going on an artless date. I'll buy you a milkshake."

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