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(Halloween Song!)

3rd POV


War is a tricky thing as one can lose many people important to them because of it. In the war between The Sound and the Leaf, many people perished but there was a savior. His name was Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze Many people know him as Red kitsune feared by many. Naruto Came to the leaf as Kitsune and Helped them in their time of need even though he was betrayed by them many years ago. 

Back to the Battle at hand though.


"What are you going to do?" Orochimaru taunted this wasn't a good thing to do as he had almost killed Naruto's Second mother. That was a line one didn't cross. And Since Orochimaru crossed this line Naruto was furious. As he should be some on had just THREATENED one of his precious people.

As many Ninjas know one thing you don't do to a protective ninja is hurt someone they care for. It is like a silent code all ninja follow. Well except for those bad apples who weren't informed that it wasn't just a frowned upon thing. No, it was a damn death sentence.

Naruto right hooked Orochimaru sending him flying the other way. This bought Naruto Time as he grabbed an empty scroll. With lightning-fast speed, Naruto drew a seal.

"SEALING ART- FLAMMING WEB!" Naruto yelled as he threw the scroll to the ground as he did quick hand signs. Out of the scroll came strings of fire spuing out and on to Orochimaru. As Orochimaru struggled Naruto Ran at him With his sword. Orochimaru quickly got out of the web of fire and just barely missed a swing from Naruto. 

They both engaged in Tai Jutsu and a Kenjutsu battle. (Kenjutsu is a sword art right?) 

For anyone watching the fight all they could see were blurs of speed. Minato couldn't be prouder. The yellow blur was much faster than the purple blur which one would assume was Orochimaru. Soon Orochimaru managed to kick Naruto's jaw, making Naruto Hold his jaw and gave Orochimaru time to breathe. 

Orochimaru had completely forgotten the people he had reanimated. That is Until chakra chains rose from the ground and wrapped around the four Hokages. naruto said a quick Jutsu and suddenly the Hokages were starting to leave.

"Love you, dad! Bye Jiji! Nice two meet you two!" Naruto yelled the four Hokages their goodbyes as he waved. Minato had a tear roll down his face while a smile crossed his face. 

"Love you too son..." Minato whispered, but because of Naruto's heightened hearing, he heard what his father had said. That made him smile widely and wink at his dad signaling he had heard him. Minato was chuckling as he disappeared.

The Senju Brothers might not have had a chance to actually talk to Naruto fully but they could already feel the will of fire radiating off of the younger blonde. Tobirama was trying to figure out one thing if he had gone through what Naruto had gone through would he have turned out like Naruto or would he turn insane. He came to the conclusion that he would have gone insane, this made Tobirama have unknown respect for the Uzumaki.

Hiruzen was proud. He was not just proud he was thrilled. His adoptive grandson was amazing in so many ways. Hiruzen felt a warm feeling of accomplishment when he had heard of how well Naruto made nothing into endless possibilities. So as he looked at his adoptive grandson one more time he couldn't help but grin and give him a fading thumbs up.

Hiroshima smiled the boy reminded him of himself and his animated way of acting. Hiroshima wasn't proud of the village he had built he was disappointed. Actually Disappointed couldn't even begin to describe how much he despised what had happened to Naruto. He just couldn't believe that the village he had built to protect people from all the hatred had treated a child the exact way he tried so hard to keep them from. He just couldn't fathom how someone would think treating a Freaking child the way they did was okay. And then they banish said child and they didn't expect the child to seek revenge.

Heck Hiroshima was sure he would seek revenge if something like that happened to him. No, he would defiantly destroy Konoha if he was in Naruto's shoes. Naruto was the bigger man, he was the stronger man... and most importantly Naruto was the kinder man. Hiroshima even though dead was sure he would be great friends with Naruto.

A/N- This was supposed to be published on Halloween but some stuff came up, and I was kind of in a rush to put something out there for you guys so If it seems rushed I'm sorry. But I am going to need some help, If you guys have any ideas for Jutsu's or just where you want the book to hed please message me. It would help especially because I have no idea how I am going to be ending this book. Help would be greatly appreciated!

I hope you enjoyed it!


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