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**Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who has read so far... This is the epilogue. I'm sorry this is so short, but it seems that this was the only way. I love all of you.x


I was broken.

Broken apart and weathered down like rocks in a canyon or gorge.

I was empty.

Empty from all of the things I haven’t done and all the lives I haven’t been apart of.

I was nothing.

I stumbled to the front door once the mailman had left the premises.

He left a while ago. Didn’t say goodbye either.

He left me here to rot – to rot in this god-forsaken apartment as if it were a prison-cell while he held the world on a string. I haven’t turned on the television since he left which had been at least a month. I haven’t been outside. I haven’t eaten a true meal besides the occasional box of pizza. I’ve been drunk far too much.

Far too much.

I clawed through the mail on the floor - mostly bills and letters from Mum, but nothing unusual until I saw a postcard.

It was a beautiful picture of Venice, Italy, and on the bottom right corner it had “From Venice, with love!” plastered on the side in letters my weakened eyes strained to read.

I turned it over to see whom it was from. My hand trembled and the tears came back – stinging my eyes like acid. I took long deep breaths to control my heart and mind. And read the back of the postcard:

‘We’re asking for so much more.

You’re always in my heart.’

He drew one of the tattoos he had – a skateboarder who lost his balance and was saying, “Oops!”

It continued:

‘We have had so many good times,

I miss you.x

-Always yours, Louis’

How can he have the nerve to send me a stupid postcard? Why not tell me to my face? It’s his entire fault anyway. His fault that Ed’s the only person I’ve seen in a month. His fault that I get drunk too early every morning, his fault that I don’t speak to my family, his fault that I quit the band. Everything is his fault.

And now he’s bringing postcards to my door and asking for ‘so much more’.

While bad memories are in pieces on the floor.

Postcards || Larry a.u. (boy x boy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt