All I Ask of You

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(WARNING: a little smut at the end)

"What is it? Tell me," Commodus demanded the guard.

"The girl, Sire. She's unconscious."

Almost immediately, the emperor of Rome blinked in surprise while his limbs went numb. The guard couldn't possibly be talking about the girl....his girl that he saw this morning. "Why...why have I been called?"

"She is under your penal custody, Sire. The physician can only administer medicine if you approve."

Good heavens, Commodus cursed to himself as he strode towards the infirmary. He couldn't let her die, not like this. Lucius almost jogged behind his uncle's large footsteps, trying to keep up.

When he reached the entrance of the infirmary, Commodus almost felt his heart stop for a moment as he tried to process the sight before him. Caesonia was lying down motionless on one of the white, unembellished beds. The physician's assistant pressed a soaked rag to her forehead, while the physician observed. Much to the emperor's surprise, the he chuckled when he looked at the doorway. "What amuses you, Galen?" Commodus asked, his lower lip twitching in anger.

"Forgive me, Highness. I merely remembered the day you were brought here after your battle. Unconscious, you lay on a bed in the infirmary while the girl watched physicians tend to you. And now here you are when she's on the bed!"

Galen's observation did nothing to alleviate Commodus's spirits. Rather, it upset him even further to know it was his Pink Fairy who was being tended to. The emperor gazed at her with trembling hands as he sat on the edge of her bed.

"What happened to her?" He asked Galen in a surprisingly quiet voice. The physician explained to him that Caesonia seemingly fainted from hunger and dehydration, a common condition among prisoners. However, due to her being in the palace instead of the dungeons, the guards must've believed it appropriate to bring her to the physician.

Nodding slowly, Commodus rose from the bed without taking his eyes off of her for a moment. Trying to hide his fear of losing her, he hastily told Galen to administer her proper medication and to have her brought back to her chamber when she was sentient.

"I wish to see her again tonight."

"It shall be so, Highness."

The emperor wasted no time in going to his study and pulling out a blank piece of parchment . Maximus, Lucilla, the late Caesar...he was going to prove them all wrong tonight. He was going to prove that Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus was truly capable of fulfilling the duty of a moral man, the duty of a loyal, courageous man. He would reveal everything to the object of his devotion- even if written words were all he had to offer her.

On the empty parchment, he began scribbling things that he wished that he could tell his rose, intimate things that he had only kept to himself until now, and even the clandestine things he would not even dare to acknowledge himself. Commodus's hand clenched tightly around the quill as he purged his thoughts with ink.

What if she laughs at me? No...she would not. She did not look one bit afraid when I came to her last night. She willingly took me in her arms and slept in my company. I knew the look in her eyes. Unlike everyone else, she saw me as a man instead of merely a ruler. No, she will not turn me away. She will be mine, and only mine.


A few hours and several discarded pieces of parchment later, Emperor Commodus found himself standing at the doorway of her chamber. "Have her awoken and tell her I wish to see her," he muttered to a guard after giving a small reward to the Praetorian for having brought Caesonia to Galen. There was truly no need for such formality - the emperor could see his prisoners whenever and however he wanted to - but she was no ordinary prisoner. Holding the letter, Commodus hoped that she would know just that.

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