Jun watched as the two disappeared into the forest. Only when he registered that Chris was screaming in pain did he turn away. Jun rushed to help wrap the wound around the other's chest. Once the bleeding had stopped he helped him to his feet and the two began walking back to the pack grounds.
Mingyu stood waiting as the two alphas walked towards him. Jun shrugged the other off his shoulder as he tried to go around the Alpha.

"What the fuck was that back there Wen?" Chris all but screamed.

Jun kept walking, trying to ignore the other. He couldn't focus on anything but the omega he had seen earlier. The scared look in its eyes was haunting him. The hand on his shoulder caused him to stop and look at the Alpha.

"Jun what happened?" Jun looked between the two before Chris cut him off. "I'll tell you what happened! This idiot had one of them pinned down and couldn't finish him off!" Jun ignored him as he saw the Luna approaching. He knew Mingyu wouldn't be happy if Ji Hoon heard any of this, but that didn't stop Chris.

"I mean they were omegas! How hard was it to end him!" A faint whimper was heard as all eyes turned to look at the small omega. Ji Hoon's eyes filled with tears as he turned to look at Mingyu for reassurance.

"Enough!" The Alpha roared, his eyes flashing a bright red as he turned to Chris. "Which ones did you two idiots let go?" Ji Hoon was now safely tucked into Mingyu's arms as he waited for his answer.

"Eight. It was on his collar bone, it looked new." Mingyu shook his head before answering. "No he's been around awhile, someone must have...." Mingyu trailed off trying not to scare his omega, but both alphas knew what he meant. If a rogue's number started to fade, it was common for the skin to be branded again to make it more visible.

Chris cleared his throat before speaking, "I got ten. It was on the back of his neck. Looked old. I've seen him before. There was another in the woods but I didn't see his number. He looked skinny, so I'm guessing they must have just picked him up. He might not have a number yet." Mingyu nodded before dismissing the two.

Jun bid a goodbye and started for his home. The young alpha trying to understand how he had failed to capture the rogue from earlier.


The wind was howling, the rain was coming down extremely hard. Loud booms were sounding through the bedroom, causing the omega to whimper louder.

Ji Hoon clenched the blankets tighter, trying to pull them as close as possible. They still kinda smelled like Mingyu, which helped him a ton. The omega flinched when another sound of thunder echoed throughout the room, shaking the bed.

'Where is he....?" Ji Hoon knew Mingyu usually worked late, but this was insane. It was storming and dangerous. And Ji Hoon needed him.

Mingyu rubbed his temples as Chris and Felix stood in front of his desk. "Alpha, we don't need to worry about this now. If the storm doesn't kill them, we will find them tomorrow."

Felix looked out the window, flinching himself at the loud noises. "Chris...um..." Chris pulled Felix closer to him. "It's okay..we will leave soon."

Mingyu's eyes looked at the closeness of the two wolves. Suddenly it hit him. "I have to go. You're right, we will deal with it tomorrow. Hopefully the storm gets to them first."

Mingyu stood up quickly, heading towards his omega he knew was not okay.

Ji Hoon resisted the urge to shift into his wolf. He was terrified. The lightening could be seen through the small window, that was clearly shut as tight as it would go. The omega whimpered, small tears falling down his bright blue eyes.

Suddenly he got a strong scent that made him want to howl himself. The door to the bedroom opened, but not too quickly to scare the omega.

Mingyu shut the door and locked it behind him, noticing the large ball of blankets on the bed. "Ji Hoon, baby I'm sorry!"

Ji Hoon whined as Mingyu wrapped the omega in his arms, blankets and all. Ji Hoon snuggled close to the alpha, trying to find his mark. He needed the comfort.

Mingyu didn't even think about changing his clothes, which were soaked with rain. He would deal with it later. "Ji Hoon, I'm so sorry I left you alone."

A soft pair of lips found their way onto the alpha's neck. Mingyu knew that he fucked up once he felt a small suckling motion on his mark. It made Mingyu want to cry.

His omega would only do this if he was extremely in distress. Ji Hoon was a slow grower, but he seemed to have never stopped the suckling phase.

Mingyu ran his fingers through the boy's hair as he laid down on their shared bed. "Why did it have to be right in that spot Woozi baby?"

Mingyu was getting all types of feelings coursing through where his mark was. Mingyu moved Ji Hoon to a different spot on his neck, knowing that a bruise was going to form. And it was going to be a big one.

He could eventually feel the mouth of the omega release, now hearing small snores coming from him.

Mingyu sighed as he picked up Ji Hoon in one arm and walked him into his closet with him to change clothes. Once Ji Hoon was asleep he was always out cold, especially after the trauma he had.

Mingyu needed to find these rogue wolves that were filling his mind. He couldn't let something like tonight happen ever again. Ji Hoon was always his top priority.

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