Chapter 2

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The little omega ran down the pathway, as fast as his legs could carry him. He was so excited to see his best friend. It had been a whole two days.

Chenle passed by another omega, almost knocking him down. "Sorry Wooyoung! Didn't see you there!"

Wooyoung scoffed, not knowing what the omega signed to him. "Watch where you're going Chenle!"

Chenle of course didn't hear him as he rounded the corner towards the Beta's house.

"Wooyoung. You have to play nice!" Jimin came outside on his porch to see his son with a glare on his face. "He almost knocked me down Mom. He could have hurt me or himself."

Jimin smiled a bit, "He can't help it Woo. Remember he can't hear as well as us." Wooyoung sighed, "I know. He's just gonna get hurt someday. You watch."

The two omegas walked back inside their house, while on the other side of pack grounds Chenle almost made it to his destination.

The omega boy slowed down once he made it to the smaller house of Jisung's. Chenle placed his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. He needed to calm down a bit or he would scare off his shy friend.

Jisung's place was always very simple. Unlike his own house, Jisung's was very plain on the outside. Chenle's house was always neatly decorated and filled with pictures of his family.

Chenle wondered if Jisung's house was filled with pictures.

Chenle knocked on the door, waiting for the door to open. The smile on his face was huge. He couldn't wait to see his best friend.

Suddenly the door opened and a lady stood in front of him. She wore a scowl on her face as she looked Chenle up and down. She rolled her eyes as Chenle could see her mouth the word for Jisung.

Chenle looked around outside, feeling a bit intimidated by the woman he could bet was Jisung's mother.

While he was looking away, he failed to notice the lady's next words that she said to her son.

"Jisung! It's that deaf boy again!"

Jisung looked at himself in the mirror, sighing to himself. He placed a small circle bandaid on his cheek, hoping that it covered the cut.

He ran towards the door and grabbed Chenle's hand immediately, pulling him quickly away from his house. "Did I say you could go anywhere Jisung!? Come back here!"

Jisung continued to pull Chenle by his hand towards Chenle's place, figuring that's where they were going.

Chenle's face heated up, watching the hand that was holding his. Why was he getting so hot?

Finally Jisung stopped pulling Chenle and dropped his hand. Chenle internally whined at this.

"Hi Jisung!!" Chenle signed excitedly at his best friend. His eyes crinkled with happiness. He loved hanging out with Jisung. He wondered what they would do today.

"Hi Lele." Chenle's smile dropped a bit at how sad his friend seemed. "What's wrong Sungie? You did want to play today right?"

Jisung noticed the smile drop from Chenle's face, hating it when that happened. "Of course Lele. I always wanna play with you. I just...I got a lot on my mind is all."

Chenle and Jisung sat down on Chenle's porch, the omega getting worried. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Jisung chuckled a bit, "Nah, don't worry your little head about it," Jisung ruffled Chenle's hair as the boy giggled, "Okay, but I'm here if you ever want to Sungie! I'm a good listener!"

Daisyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें