Part 2 - First day

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Gons POV
I woke up, got ready, and Killua came to walk me to school. We were attending a new school so we didn't know anyone there, which was better so hopefully he wouldn't have a crush on someone. Once we got to the gates everyone was staring at us, no Killua. The girls were whispering to each other. I overheard one of the girls say "he's cute!" And immediately wanted to kill her. But I held back my urges, though it was difficult I did. Once we got inside I asked Killua if I could see his schedule, he said I could look at it, then gave me his schedule while I handed him mine.

"Aw man I guess we don't have all the same classes" Gon said with a pouty face

"You'll live" Killua chuckled Killua and I both had the same homeroom teacher so we went and walked together to homeroom. There were a lot of girls whispering and pointing at Killua as we sat down. This was going to be a problem. It seemed like almost every girl had a crush or thought Killua was cute. I knew what I needed to do. But I couldn't right now. "Seems your quite popular with the ladies" I chuckled "hah I guess" Killua said in a sarcastic tone. (Time skip after 1st period cause I'm lazy) after homeroom this girl came up to Killua. "Hey you seem to be the new guy. Everyone can't stop talking about you!" She said "my names neon" she said (HER NAME HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY ANIME OR MANGAS) she seemed like the popular type, mean, annoying, and pretty. I needed to get rid of her, and fast. Before Killua could get the chance of falling love with her. I could do it after school maybe? Yes maybe I could drown her at the school pool, maybe push her off the school roof? I'll figure it out when the time comes. But she clearly likes Killua. I could write a love note saying it was from Killua. Then she'll definitely come. Killua puts his arm around me. I didn't realize he was still talking to that girl. What was her name again? Nom? Neom? Ah Neon. I told Killua we should get going because class was about to start, it wasn't. But he didn't know that. (Time skip lunch) during lunch I wrote the love letter it read

"Neon I want to talk to you, In private meet me on the roof after school
Love, Killua"

I wasn't sure she'd come, but it's likely she would. I waited until after all my classes to go up to the roof. Killua asked where I was going I just told him "oh someone gave me a letter" and he looked shocked. But it's fine as long as he doesn't follow me, that would be bad. I took some of the gloves from the janitors room just in case. I wouldn't want the police to fine MY finger prints on her. I finally went to the roof, late purposely. I wanted to be late so she wouldn't notice me coming. I was as quiet as I could be. She turned around before I got to her though. "Where's Killua?" She asked "stay away from Killua" I replied she looked confused. That's when I pushed her off the building. As soon as that happened I ran to my house hopefully no one saw it.

Killua will be mine! - killugonWhere stories live. Discover now