chapter 8

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After an early breakfast, Grimmjow mysteriously left the house and returned an hour later. No matter how many quizzical looks I gave him he would only give me cryptic smiles. Emiko was full squirmy giggles as I dressed her in her first kimono. The blue color matched her sparkling sapphire eyes. After tying the oba sash she danced out of the room and jumped into her father's arms.

"Well, aren't you beautiful today?" he asked her.

She laughed, "Thank you, Daddy."

I went to my room while Grimmjow and Emiko continued their conversation. I slipped my new kimono on, making sure the white butterflies showed. I returned to the family room where my family was packing the back pack with food and other necessary stuff. "The thousand year candy is in the cabinet above the noodles." I said.

Grimmjow shoved it in the bag and announced, "I think that's all we need."

I slipped my shoes off and sank my feet in the soft grass near the shrine of ceremonies. Emiko did the same but Grimmjow preferred to keep his on. But he willingly carried our shoes. Emiko and I ran around playfully, dodging the Japanese maple trees. Red poppies grew in random spots throughout the lawn.

We were getting a little ahead when Grimmjow called, "Hey, you two. This way. I see Kaname and Akika over here."

I stopped and heart leaped in my throat. I looked over to where Grimmjow was pointing. I saw my sister sitting on the grass with her husband waiting for us.

"Akika!" I yelled as I tore across the park. She looked up and jumped to her feet, "Sumiko!"

I crashed into her and hugged her tightly.

A tear ran down my face, "Kika!" I choked.

"Oh, sister!"

We held each other for a moment softly crying. When we finally separated I was enveloped in a bear hug from Kaname. "Kaname." I laughed.

Grimmjow and Emiko came up and I took her hand, "Daughter, this is your Aunt Akika. You probably don't remember her but she used to babysit you."

She looked shyly at her, "Hi." she ventured. "Aunt Sumi!" I heard a girl calling from behind. I turned and a little girl dashed over. "Jun!"

I picked her and spun her around in a circle. "Emiko, this cousin, Jun. She is just couple of years older than you."

Jun hugged her, "Emi, you've gotten big."

Jun remembered Emi but Emi didn't.

She tugged on her hand, "Come on, let's go play." Emiko glanced at Grimmjow for a moment and then followed her cousin into the pink mossy flowers.

The five of us settled on the picnic blanket. "Let me see that baby boy." Akika urged. Grimmjow handed her Nambo carefully. "Aren't you a beautiful baby?" she crowed. His face turned towards the new voice but his eyes stared up blankly. I sighed as I watched his face. It could have only been caused by Aizen's daily physical abuse. Thankfully, Emiko had been spared much of the torment but she had seen his attacks against me. A few times she had tried to stop him but it only made the abuse worse. Only during his long absences were we able to breathe easily. We couldn't escape because his house was like a prison. But one day he'd been careless and that's when we loaded up and escaped. Akika looked over at me, "So, is there anything that can be done?"

I shook my head, "The children's doctor said it would be permanent."

"Do they know why?" she asked.

I looked down at my lap and gulped a tear away, "No, they don't."

Kaname interrupted, "It's okay, Sumiko. When he gets older, I'll take him under my wing and teach him everything."

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