To be a dauntless

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I'd like to say if you have an idea for a chapter name do comment it and I'll type that in.


This is featuring language and cursing on most if not all chapters.

Also it include my favourite Haikyuu character Sakusa Kiyoomi as the main character. He deserved more screen time. If I'm wrong fight me...

Yes this is based on the divergent Au and the Haikyuu characters

The first like 15 chapter are out to begin with and the updates for this book will be uneven... sorry. They will be slow update due to the fact i have a few other fics im writing... I thought I could finish this story quickly I was wrong T-T

Special thanks to @KitsUneAragCi :)

Hope you enjoy <3

To be dauntless - Sakuatsu Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora