Chaos Day

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How are you doing my dear? Hope you have a good day (*´ω`*)
And stay healthy!

Alexander just drags you from your house. This whole scene is like kidnapping. Fortunately, Clara know Alexander very well, she didn't stop him. She laughs like a mad person when she saw how you try to knock Alex with your pan.

You're about to fry some egg then this mad gremlin comes to your house. Early in the morning. Grab your hands, dragging you to his carriage like what the hell? (No Six reference intended).

"The hell Hamilton! Let me go you fucking gremlin!"

"God it's still morning, don't swear! We should go now (Y/N)!" He insisted. While Clara and the neighbors watching the conflict that represent in front of them.

"I have to cook Alexander. I haven't eaten my breakfast, you idiot. Don't let me use my pan to your beautiful face." Not scared by your treatment, instead he proudly said. "Oh, yes. Finally, you recognize my beautiful face (Y/N) (L/N)."

I regret saying that.

"Shut up! Why do we need to leave so early? At least let me eat you dumbass." You said, holding your own up high to his face. "And I bet you didn't eat breakfast too Hamilton. Better respect your wife more."

"You're not married (Y/N), don't give me some advice." You let your pan bump to his forehead. Not too hard but not gentle either. Hard enough to make him hurt.

"The fuck?!"

"God it's still morning, don't swear!" You repeat his word with a mocking tone. You amused by Alexander's facial expressions right now. He looks pissed, ha. It's nice.

Yeah, this is how your relationship with Alexander Hamilton. Both of you already in your 30, yet this manner never changes. Quarreling like a 5-year-old child, but good for you, because you know how to act like an adult more than him.

"Seriously, Alex. You need to spend your time more with your wife and kids." You said, sighing a bit before putting down your pan. "I know you, Alexander, we know you. Just...look. I know this job important to you, but remember us, Lexi, please." Alexander's gaze softened when you said that. You know he can't stand it when you plead, because when you do, he knows that it's something that matters to you.

"I love Eliza, I love Philip, Angie, James, Alex (jr)...and you. I care for all of you and...hhh just... How about we have breakfast together, yeah? Me, you and Clara? Please...?" And that's it. Alexander can't say no to this.

No matter how much you arguing or debate with Alex, you always find a way to make it stop. Because you know if it keeps going, it'll never stop.

"Fine. But we need to hurry, I want to take you to Hercules's first." He said in defeats.

"His store? For...what?" You asked him. He looks and you and answers. "Buy you a new dress." Your eyes widened a bit then you step back a bit from him.

"Whoa whoa there. A new dress? For what?" This is new to you. Alex never buys you a new dress. The one who usually does that is Hercules. Well, he gives it to you not buy it for you.

Yeah, indeed, you didn't have (fancy) dress that much, because you're not going anywhere except for work.

"You have to look good in the cabinet meeting of course." Then you walk together with him to your house.

"Is that I must?" He cackles and pats your shoulder. "Yes, it is. Now don't ask too much. We have to hurry because we need time to choose it."

"But Alex, I have my own, you don't need to-"

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