Peaches and Cream - Bull Randleman x Reader

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WARNING: this contains explicit sexual content, please do not read if you're under 18 

You heard a heavy footstep on the wooden floorboards of the little hut you were living in, thankfully secluded from the prying eyes of your fellow soldiers. You looked up, smiling shyly when you saw Bull standing there, lazily puffing on his trademark cigar. One hand was behind his back and you wondered what he was trying to hide.

"What ya got there Bull?" you questioned, lunging towards him to try and grab his arm to see what he was concealing. He was too quick for you, backing away, his size falsely suggesting that he was incapable of such a quick manoeuvre.

"I'll show you on one condition," he grinned, letting his free arm fall from his cigar as he swirled his tongue around it. Your breath hitched seeing him do this, you'd had a gigantic crush on Bull since the day you met him, but you did your best to conceal it, assuming he just saw you as a friend. The only person who knew was Martin, you'd confessed to him in your slightly tipsy state a couple of weeks ago. Little did you know, but Johnny wasted no time in relaying the news to Bull, well aware of his friend's attraction to Easy Company's only female soldier.

"Which is?" you began to sweat a little under his withering gaze. Despite the Georgian heat that filled every corner of Camp Toccoa, you knew it wasn't the weather that was having this effect on you.

"Don't tell anyone," he spoke quieter now, moving in a couple of big strides to stand in front of you. He was so close to you now that you could see the subtle rise and fall of his chest. You nodded, knowing that your voice would betray your nervousness. Bull grinned, pulling his arm from behind his back and holding a can of peaches in front of you.

"How did you get these?" you asked, your fingers brushing against his as you took the already open can from him. Bull just smirked and tapped his nose, watching you take a seat on your makeshift bed as you delved your fingers into the can. All of your friends in the camp knew of your weakness for peaches, and you felt your cheeks hotting up at the thought that Bull risked being kicked out of the Airborne just to bring you your favourite snack. You were both well aware that it had already happened to one soldier. But then, you knew that Bull wasn't stupid enough to get caught.

Bull sank onto the bed next to you, relief coursing through him when you just grinned and made no move to admonish him for doing so. He knew that he was so close to crossing a line that could never be uncrossed, but the more you smiled at him the more he wanted to kiss you.

The more you got lost in the euphoric taste of the fruit, the less grip you had on yourself, and you let out a couple of small moans without realising. Bull shifted slightly, his eyes going wide as he began to think about doing more than just kissing you. Ever respectful, Bull had never thought about going any further than kissing you until this moment, despite his crush that only deepend week by week as you trained alongside each other. He almost moaned himself when you began licking your fingers, your lips making a 'pop' sound as you pulled each finger away. He fiddled with the lone cushion that decorated your bed, pulling it over his lap, internally cursing himself for choosing this moment of all moments to get hard.

"What's the matter?" you asked, mouth full, noticing Bull's discomfort.

"Nothin'," he replied, avoiding your gaze.

"Then why have you gone so quiet all of a sudden?" you momentarily forgot the delicious snack you were enjoying and focused your attention on Bull. You noticed him swallow hard before replying.

"Just thinkin'," he replied, throwing the stub of his cigar out the open door of your hut.

"Oh yeah?" you replied in a playful tone, knocking your fist gently against his arm, trying to entice him into elaborating. When he didn't, you made a play for the cushion he was still so intent on fiddling on. This time, he was too late to stop you, and his cheeks grew pink when he saw your eyes go wide.

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