Chapter 4:A Robot or A Friend?

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Chaeryeong's POV

Evebing came and Im still struggling to fo my assignments

How I wish mom is still here to help ne out...

Or maybe dad..

But he's always on a business trip

Always busy on work

If he's here he's always being called in the lab...

Why do I have to have a scientist father

I would be happy to have a bus driver father if that means I could spend a lot of my time with him....

I miss those days that we're happy and he's not that busy...

I sighed and placed my pen down

The door theb opened

I turned around to see who entered my room

Its Joanne

"Hi baby"she greeted with food and milk on her hand

I groaned

I dont know alot about robots so I dont know how to change my name on her settings

I dont wanna touch her body too



"I bought you your dinner"the android said as she put my meal on the table

"The maids said you always drink warm milk at the evening so I bought you a glass"she said

"Thank you"I said softly

"Base on my scan you are sad,nay I know the reason"she asked

I sighed

I guess its not that bad to open up to her

She's a robot maybe she could help

"Its just Im having a hard time on my assignments and I miss those days when dad had a lot of time for me"I said

"Master Lee is in japan do you want to call him"Joanne asked

Shes clueless

"Never mind you dont know how it feels"I said and grabbed my pen

"I dont have parents"she said making me look at her



"I just opened my eyes one day and scientist are all around me,baby is lucky to have Master Lee as her father"she replied

"Im sorry about that"I said

"Baby shouldn't be mad at master Lee,baby is lucky to have parents because Joanne never had one"the android said making ne realize how luck I truly am

"Joanne call dad for me"I said

"Calling..master Lee"Joanne said and her body showed a screen that shes dialing dad's number

"Hello chaer?"dad said

"Hi dad are you busy?"I asked

"Not really why?"he asked

"Can you set your name on joanne's settings to dad?"I asked

"Dad?why?"he asked

"I just want her to feel that she has a father"I said

My father chuckled

"Seems like you formed a bond with your android"he said

I guess she isnt that bad

Except the fact she calls me baby

Wich is totally my fault

Damn those cute babies!

"Joanne"dad called

"Yes master Lee"Joanne replied

"Set my name to dad"dad said

Its that easy?


"Your name has been set to dad..."Joanne said

"Im like your father now,welcome to the family"dad said

"Thank you dad"Joanne replied with a smile

"I'll go now take care of my daughter while Im away"dad said

"Yes dad"Joanne said

I smiled

I can clearly see in her face she's happy

Is it possible for robots to feel emotions?

Because she looks more cheerfull than before

"I love you dad"I said

"I love you too sweetie"dad replied before ending the call

As soon as the call ended

Joanne knelt infront of me making me shocked abd stood up

"What are you doing?"I asked

"You gave Joanne a father...Joanne is thankful for your kindness"she said

I smiled

"Joanne stand up"I ordered

The android obeyed with a smile

"From now on you are my friend"I said

"Joanne is thankful"she replied

I have an andtoid friend...

"And dont..."I said making her look at me

"Ever change my name"I said

"Your name is permanently set to baby"she replied

I smiled

"Thank you for the dinner"I said vefore sitting back down and startrd to eat

She bowed and I saw her smile before leaving

Sometimes i wonder

Is Joanne really a robot?

If she is

She's different...

She's more advanced and more realistic

She's so close on being a human

But the way she talks does really sound like a robot

After dinner

I went back on doing my assignments and eventually fell asleep

Its good to be back!

I missed reading your comments🤣❤

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