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I watched the thunderbird very carefully as he just stood there, seemingly listening out for something. Suddenly, he flew up into the air, squawking immensely.

"Frank, come down here!" I yelled but he continued to panic. "Frank!" He swooped down, perching on his rock, squawking once more. I lifted my hand up to his head, gently stroking him. "What's wrong, buddy? Hm?" He squawked again and that was when I knew something was wrong. This thing about thunderbirds was, they could sense danger.


I sat, my legs swinging over the edge of the building while I waited. Out of nowhere, a big black mass zoomed down the street, destroying everything it touched. I stood up, trying to get a better look. I was leaning over and someone grabbed my wrist, pulling me back.

"Do you really think it's smart to be leaning over the edge of a building?"

"No, but Tina, look. Something just went by. It was like a cloud of black lightning." I say and she looks, just in time to catch a glimpse.

"It's the obscurial." Newt says, now looking too.

"What? But Graves took it out of the case."

"Apparently not. I have to go after him." He said, pulling out his wand.

"No. No." I grab his arm. "Don't even think about apperating towards that thing."

"Celia, please let go of my arm. I'm not going to take you with me."

"I am not gonna let you do this. It's dangerous." I argue.

"Which is exactly why you're not coming with me."

"Remember when you said you wouldn't dream of doing anything with out me? This is one of those things, Newt. You can't face that thing on your own."

"Don't make this difficult." He says. "I'm sure Derek could use the company anyways."

"I said no, okay." He looks at me. "You don't have to be bitter about it because I don't wanna marry him. He's nothing but a fraud and I don't love him." He tries to hide his small smile and looks away. "I'm coming with you." He turned back towards me and I was pleasantly surprised when he kissed me for a moment. "Newt..."

"Celia, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For this." He points his wand at me. "Immobulus."

"You didn't just do that." I say, now unable to move.

"Keep her here." He tells Tina before disappearing.



"Tina, I'm serious." I fume. "Get out of my way."

"I can't. He told me to keep you here." She argues.

"I don't care. If he gets hurt, It's my fault, so move."

"Okay, but you stay close to me, or I will get in trouble." She agrees.


I ran down the street, swerving through the terrified muggles and towards the rampaging obscurus. I heard a voice from the distance, calling it Credence. It seemed to calm down and drifted into the underground railroad. The other wizards of New York began putting a magical barrier around the entrances. I managed to slip under and down into the railroad, seeing the black mass perfectly still clinging to the wall. I pressed my back against a pillar, facing away from it.

"Credence. It is Credence isn't it? I'm not going to hurt you. I can help you. I met a girl once. She was just like you. She was scared and she wasn't in control. But she wasn't a monster, and neither are you." I looked back, now seeing a boy that looked a lot old than ten or eleven, sat across the train line. "Can I come over to you? Credence, can I come over?" He nods timidly and I slowly start towards him, holding out my hand. "Take my hand. I promise you, it's all gonna be okay." He started to reach out for me when there was a bolt of light that shocked me and I jolted my hand away. "Bugger." I cursed, looking up and finding Graves with his wand pointed at me.

"Credence, don't listen to this woman." He said. "She is dangerous. You're not safe with her."

"He is lying to you. I need you to take my hand, so I can get you out of here."

"Don't you touch that boy." Grave spat, hitting me with something else that sent a wave of electricity through my body and it caused all of my joints to cease up. I looked at Credence and he had started to tremble and was giving off black smoke. Graves takes no notice and keeps shooting spells at me, making me crawl along the floor to try and avoid them. I ended up back behind the pillar, panting however wondering why it had gone so quiet. Cautiously, I stuck my head out and it looked like Graves was fighting someone off.

"Newt." I sigh in relief. I looked up and saw Credence has become the obscurus and was causing more havoc. "Credence, you don't have to do this, please."

"Credence!" Another voice called and everyone stopped what they were doing. I saw Tina slowly advancing towards him. "Credence, I know what you've been through. I know what that woman did to you." She says. "But you need to stop this now, and Newt and Celia can protect you. I can protect you." By the look of things, Tina wasn't the only one that came in, because the wizards that were surrounding the area, had also come down and were pointing their wands at him.

"No, stop! You're gonna scare him!" I plead. Suddenly, they all started to shoot at him, and he let out a painfully scream and my heart broke into pieces. One minute he was there, the next, he was just gone. I let out a small gasp, finally able to catch my breath.

"Celia." I looked up.

"Newt." I said, before pulling myself onto the platform and practically running up to him, wrapping my arms around him and taking in a breath. "Don't you ever leave me ever again." I say, looking him dead in the eyes.

"I wont. I promise." He says.

"I've heard that before."

"This time I mean it." I smiled, hugging him again.

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