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It would happen luck wasn't with us today as a woman in a grey coat started towards us. When she reached us, she pulled out a badge.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked, her eyes flickering between myself and Newt.

"What does that have to do with you?" I asked.

"You just committed multiple violations, that's what it has to do with me." She says, annoyed. "At least tell me you delt with the no-maj." Newt and I shared a look.

"I'll ask." He says. "What's a no-maj?"

"A no-maj. No magic. Non wizards."

"Oh. We call them muggles back home." I reply.

"Did you deal with him?" She asks.

"We were about to. But he sort of ran off."

"That's it. I'm taking you in."

"I'm sorry, but I fail to see what evidence you have against us." I say.

"I know that you have a weird little creature in that case." She accuses.

"He isn't weird. He just likes shiny things."

"Don't make me restrain you."

"Don't take away this case."

"Don't argue with me. I'm taking you in weather you're cooperative or not."


"Do you have a wand permit?" The woman asked, perching on the edge of her desk.

"Yes, we sent out for them a few weeks ago." Newt answered. Suddenly, the woman ducked down behind her desk as some other man came storming towards her.

"Goldstein. Tina? T- get up." The man said and the woman, who was apparently known as Tina, slowly emerged. "Where have you been? Where did she pick you up from?" He asks, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Me? Uh, nowhere." I lie.

"Tina, this isn't your job anymore." He spits.

"Yes, but they have a creature in their case and it was causing havoc at the bank." She explained.

"Let's have a look at it then." The man said, snatching the case and quickly opening it. He squinted his eyes and looked back at Tina. "Is this some sort of joke?" He asked. I peered over his shoulder and inside was multiple pastries. Where the hell was our case?

"The muggle." I said, wide eyed.

"What on earth is a muggle?" The man asked.

"No time to explain. However, if you have no tangible evidence against us, we'll be off. Come on, Newt."


"Do you want to tell me what's going on?" Tina asked, still following us.

"No." I looked up when something blue flew past my face. "Oh bother."

"What was that?"

"A moth." Newt lies. "A very big, blue moth." We turn a corner and there are lots of people on the street, complaining of a 'gas leak' that caused the front of the building to blow up. I quickly sneaked pass the crowd and into the building, making my way to the room that had been damaged. Inside, luckily, was the same muggle from the bank however, unluckily, he was passed out and the case was laid open on his bed. I slammed it shut, locking it before restoring the front of the house.

"It was open?" Tina asked, stopping at the door.

"Just a smidge." Newt answered, appearing behind her. I got up and crouched beside the muggle.

"He's been bitten, but he'll be fine." I say, pulling out my wand.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna obliviate him." I reply, as though it should be obvious.

"You can't do that." She argues.

"You were just shouting at me the length of New York for not doing it in the first place."

"He's hurt."

"Fine, we'll keep him if you like."

"We don't keep them!" She lets out a scream as something jumps at her, causing her to back up. It came at me second, but it wasn't quick enough and I grabbed it.

"Open the case." I said as it struggled against me. Newt opened the case and I shut it once the creature had been stuffed inside.

"What. The hell. Was that."

"A murtlap." I turn to Newt. "What else do you think escaped?"

"I'm not sure. Let's hope it wasn't anything big.


I know I'd only just met her, but Tina was really getting on my nerves. She forced Myself, Newt and the muggle -who was named Jacob Kowalski or something like that- to go with her to wherever it was that she lived. When we got there, inside was another woman with blonde curly hair, who I'm going to assume is some sort of relative of Tina's.

"You should've told me we were having guests, Tina." The woman chimed.

"Wanna put something on, Quinine." Tina hissed.

"Of course."

"I am not staying here." I said under my breath.

"Make yourselves comfortable." Quinine said from inside the kitchen.

"I think she's like me." I whisper to Newt. "And I think she knows."

"That is quite inconvenient, don't you think." He whispered back.

"Celia." She said and I looked up. Now I know she was like me. I never told them my name. "Do you prefer pie or strudel?"

"I'm not hungry." I say with a slight shrug.


"I don't really have a preference."

"You prefer strudel, huh honey?" She giggles, looking at Jacob. He nods with a hungry look on his face.


I pursed my lips as Quinine and Jacob conversed across the table. Suddenly, Quinine sat back, obviously upset with something her sister had thought and said,

"I am not flirting."

"All I'm saying is, don't go getting attached. He has to be obliviated." Tina says, shaking her head. Quinine then looks at me, tilting her head.

"If you're tired, there's a spare room for you to crash in." She smiles.

"Now I see what people mean when I look into their minds. It is quite annoying." I say and she frowns.

"I don't mean to be."

"That's quite alright, and thank you for the offer, but we must be leaving. We have some creatures to catch tomorrow."

"I don't think leaving is such a good idea." Tina interrupts.

"Yeah, why can't we stay?" Jacob asked. I groan.

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