Chapter 1: Datura

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I've never had a problem making friends. I was always the hype man that would do a backflip off a house and into a pool if someone dared me to. I do what I want as long as it's not harming anyone else. That's just how I always lived.

Today was August 12th and it was Darren and Jay's birthday. They are both brothers but they were born 4 years apart. I always find it funny that they act the same yet they aren't twins.

I was excited because I had got some fake ID's to sneak into the club so I can party with them with out getting kicked out. I was 19 but I look older then that so getting in clubs was easier then you think. I wouldn't say that my friends were the best role models, but they always have my back no matter what happened.

I woke up at 4 am again on the dot.

"Ugh what the fuck... 4 am again!?"

For the past 2 week I've been waking up at 4 am on the dot everyday. It was quite annoying because I stayed up late around 11pm so I was exhausted from the lack of sleep. I crawl outta my bed. I rub my eyes and I tie my purple hair back into a lazy bun. It's wasn't to hard since I had dreads. I looked at my self in the mirror though I couldn't see much in the dark the only thing I could see is my little grin I do when I'm being goofy. I head towards my bookcase, behind it was a cheesy hidden crawl space where I keep my illegal shit. It was dark but I can always remember the book I choose to install as the lever. It was Moby Dick. The story has no meaning to me I'm just highly immature. I pull the book back and the bookshelf makes a click sound indicting it was unlocked. I opens it and turn on the lights. The room was about a 6ft tall by 8ft wide. It wasn't big but it wasn't to small either.

As I let my eyes adjust to the brightness I could see all of my baby's light up on there shelf. I had a total of 32 guns, 19 grenades, and 3 pounds of weed. I was very protective over my family and friends so I never really left the house with out a weapon. In case anyone try to run up on me. Not that I ever had to use it cause I had friends around and they had more of a fight put in them then me. Most people are scared of me after the one incident where my gun fell out my pants in the school parking lot after some dickbag was running and bumped into me. A couple people saw it, but I made it very clear if they spoke about that to anyone they would have to answer to me personally. After what they saw I'm sure as hell they are going to kept their mouths shut.

I start rolling up a blunt in my death cave as I called it. I had a shit ton of money because for a little bit I fell into the street life and got caught up with perks and the money it came with. After I saw that people were starting to get suspicious I quit and took all the money I earned and hid it. I had enough to support 12 families but I would never tell anyone that. Not even my own mom who would kill me. I still lived with her cause I want to wait until she retires which was only a couple of more years so I can buy her a house that she deserves though this had always been my home. She doesn't know the extra rooms I have. THANK GOD because she would snap my neck if she knew I had guns and weed in my room. The only two people I fear is God and my mother cause.... Well.... She was just as scary.

After I get done rolling I crawl outta the cave and open my window. My mom has a nose like a bloodhound so the slightest smell of weed and I'll never hear the end of it. My cave was smell and sound proof so I can prevent certain death. Plus I respected her rules to a certain amount. So instead of smoking in my room I throw my blunt out the window onto the chair I sit in all the time and I jump out my window and land in the pool. I didn't want to wake up my family so I took the quiet way out. I climb out the pool and put on a towel as I headed to my chair.

As soon as I lit the blunt I heard a highly familiar voice in the distance.


I face palmed as look up to see the light skin man stick his had out his window. We live extremely close to each other so he can see my backyard perfectly. He is uses the "let me come over" smile that had hoes drolling over him. To bad I was gay so his charm had no effect on me.

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