Chapter 4: I don't even know you

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Finally, today is the day my mom comes home and I can finally get some answers. I still don't know if I should trust my mom, let alone Datura. The time my mom has been gone I can't help but warm up to Datura a little, but at last I can't let my guard down just yet around her.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes, bacon and eggs. Which means my mom was already home. Let the fun begin.

I got out of bed in nothing but shorts and a sport bra. I headed towards the bathroom to take a shower. After I finished I put on a hoodie and some sweatpants and headed down stairs. Everyone had been seated at the table and was just about to eat.

"Mom can I talk to you" I said with no emotion in my voice.

"Naru can't it wait till after breakfast-"

"It can't" I cut her her off not wanting to wait any longer then I had to.

We both excused ourself and went into her office. No one is allowed in here besides her and Lenny. She tells us we have no busy in here and I guess she is right.

"So what do you need to discuss with me so bad that couldn't wait till after breakfast" She says sternly kind of intimatingly.

On any day I would be a bit nervous but I'm the one asking the questions now.

"How do you know Datura?" She was taken back by my words. I could tell she wasn't expecting it.

"A friend of mind asked me to watch over her while she's.....gone" She hesitated.

"What do you mean gone? Like a business trip?"

I had seen a hint of sadness in my mothers eyes before she avoid my question with, oh you guessed it, another question.

"Naru why are you asking me this stuff!?"

"Why are you avoiding it?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you anymore Naru. I'm taking care of Datura for a friend and that's that." She tried to walked away but I grabbed her arm before she could leave.

"I know you're lying! Why are you lying to me!?" Stunned by my on change in volume.

I felt my mom get tense when she heard me raise my voice. Never in a long time have I ever raised my voice at my mother. She turns around and looks at me weirdly. Like she is checking me for something.

"Naru have you been taking your meds?" She said worryingly.

"Mom stop dodging the question. I know there is more to your job that you are letting on. For once stop being shady and just talk to me." I said practically begging her to spill.

At first she was quiet. A little to quiet which made me take a few steps back. I looked at her for any sign of any emotion. She sighs with annoyance.

"Okay... Fine. It's about time I told you what I do anyway. But first I need you to take you meds."

She heads to her office desk where she takes out a keys from around her neck and opens the top drawer. She took out a bottle of pills and toss it to me.

"What the- do you away keep my medicine with you" I said shocked.

"Ummm yeah"

We both chucked and I open the bottle to put the same old pill in my mouth. Swallowing it easily.

"Now spill it" I said sitting in her chair and kicking my feet on her desk.


I sat up straight and apologized.

"I work at a Research facility as a Scientist which you know, but I'm also a doctor there. We study ways to find new medicine."

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