Its Aphrodite!

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Warning(s): none

Happy Halloween!

James POV
I stand there watching Scorpius worry, fiddling with the ring. The truth is we have gotten close since we first met and he's actually a great person. I can tell he's not like Albus's other boyfriends. They were horrible and abusive. But Scorpius would never do anything to hurt him. 

"What if he says no?" He asks almost sadly

"Scorpius, he's head over heels for you" I say confidently

"Scorpius this, Scorpius that"  I say mimicking Albus (it was true).

"Thanks James"

"Go get him" I wink at him, playfully shove him, and then walk off.

Albus POV
I'm waiting for Scorpius to meet me out the front. He says it's a surprise, A good one. I saw him and my heart almost stopped beating. Not that he always looks beautiful but this time he looked so beautiful that I could faint. But I could notice something was off.

"Are you ok?" I ask, needing to make sure.

"Yeah." He says almost hesitating.

In a few minutes we're at the most beautiful park I've ever seen. I could compare a Disney Princess garden and it would look exactly the same.

I start staring around it and I do a whole 360 turn.

"It's beautiful" I say on the literal border line of tears

"Really?" He asks with confusion.


It then starts storming ten minutes later so loud that we can't hear eachother

"Albus will you marry me?!" He yells out (although all I hear is muffled speaking).

"What?!" I yell out

I turn around and see Scorpius down on his knee.

I pull him up and kiss him.

"Yes or no?!"

"Was my answer not clear?! Scorpius I love you so much! Yes I'll marry you!"


"It's Aphrodite!" (Omg I love Mamma Mia so much it's not even funny)

Then we have to run home to my family's house because we're getting drenched as the ocean. Then we get home.

"Albus did you?" James asked with worry and I just showed him the ring.

"Dad! You can come down now!"

"I'm proud of you Albus so proud of you" Dad

"I'm warning you now, if you ever my son I won't be afraid to Avada Kedarva you."

"Mr. Potter-"


"Uh, ok, Harry I would never do anything to hurt your son, he is my whole world and I'd do anything for him."

"Dad, please Scorpius is different to all the other guys that Albus dated."

"Ok. I'm willing to give Scorpius a chance."

"Lily!" Dad yelled out

"I'm on it Dad!"

In about 3 minutes this house is a full on pride party house.

"Congratulations you two." Mum says.


"Yes Albus?"

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For being my Mum"

"Your welcome Albus, I love you"

"Love you too"

And we just stay in a hug for 2 minutes

"My light is always on." She winks and goes off to the living room where everyone is watching a pride movie.

Time skip to the wedding party

It's six o'clock and we're having dinner outside.
I'm just watching Lily prance around the crack in the front. Then. I heard a crack. It blew!

I get up and pull Scorpius with me. He's just laughing.

"It's Aphrodite!" I yell out.

It was like they knew it was gonna blow. Because Scorpius and I's favourite ABBA song started playing.

And we both started singing.

"Tonight the super trooper lights are gonna blind me but I won't feel blue, like I always do, cause some where in the crowd there's you"

As the "you" was fading out the water was still coming. So on the last beat I kissed him. I was actually crying, well actually everyone was crying except for Lily.

Lily was prancing around then she brought out the water guns. It was hard for me to move because I was in a dress. So first I squirted my husband, Ooh! That's fun to say! Scorpius then squirted James, which caused him to squirt Harry so then he squirted Ginny, so she squirted Lily and we had a giant water balloon fight.

Honestly, I love my life so so so much.

Word count: 700

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