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-Bullying (abuse/swearing)

I felt a little nervous when I entered the school. I just hoped all bullies wouldn't be waiting for me. I walked in and directly walked to my locker. I stuffed my coat in my locker and shut the door.

'Hey, Georgie.'

I felt myself directly tens up. I turned around and looked in the face of Michel. The number one bully of the school and I was his victim.


'Ho ho, don't talk to me like that. You know George. It's cold outside, isn't it?'

I nodded.

'My friend forgot his coat. What do you think?'


'Give me your hoodie, he needs it more than you do. You're fat anyways.'

'But I got this one from my dad-.'

'I don't care.'


Before I knew the hoodie got ripped off my body and I was only standing in a thin shirt. I shivered from the cold and hugged myself to keep myself warm.

'What do you think if you just don't go to class today?'


'I just don't feel like seeing your face. Why don't you go outside.'

'But it's cold.'

'Do you think I care?'

He grabbed my arm tightly. It hurt me very badly. He dragged me along and pushed me outside. I fell onto the ground and I heard some people laugh at me. Nobody helped me. I crawled up. My trousers were a little torn and I saw my knee slightly bleeding. I felt tears in my eyes, but I tried holding them back. They would only laugh harder if they saw me cry. I stumbled away and sat down on the ground next to the bike storage. I shivered from the cold and felt a tear rolling down my face. No one could see me now.

I startled when I saw someone on a bike riding closer. I wiped my tears away and I startled even more when I saw it was Clay. The maybe most popular boy of the whole school. I turned red and stood up.

'Sorry,' I mumbled and I walked away to sit somewhere else.

He threw his bike on the ground and took of his coat. I stared at him with big eyes when he also took his hoodie off. He smiled brightly and handed me his hoodie.

'Oh, that's not necessary,' I whispered.

He tapped my shoulder, put on his coat and walked away. I stared at hoodie in my hands. Had the most popular guy just given me his hoodie? I put it on, it was way too big, but very comfy. I enjoyed his scent and smiled softly. Maybe one day people will be nice to me. I stood up and walked inside the school. I saw Michel standing in the door opening. He grabbed my shoulder.

'Why are you here and why do you have a hoodie?'

I saw Clay standing on a distance, he was listening.

'Because you took mine.'

'I told you to stay outside.'

'But my class-.'

'I don't care, pussy. Just skip class, I don't want to see your ugly face.'

'I can sit in the back of the classroom?'

'You're so dumb.'

'I can't skip again, I will get detention.'

'I only made you skip 4 times.'

'I just want my hoodie back. My dad gave that to me and-.'

'Do you really think I care about your dad? Are you also such a mothers boy?'

I bit my lip. I only had a mother, so what else can I be?

'Can I just get my hoodie back.'

'Who is that hoodie from?'


'Me,' Clay suddenly said. 'Give his hoodie back.'

'What do you want, Clay?'

'I want you to give him his hoodie back.'

'Nah, don't feel like it.'

'Give his hoodie back. Now.'

Michel rolled his eyes and throw the hoodie at me. He pushed me and I fell down on the ground. I tried catching myself and fell on my wrist. I heard a snap sound and felt and extreme pain coming up. Michel started laughing and turned around, but Clay grabbed his shoulder. 'Dude, he broke his wrist.'

'Can you even call it a him?'

'I don't care, if he was a girl it would have been just as bad. And yes, he's a he.'

I tried standing up, but the pain in my wrist was getting worse and worse. I could see my bone was completely snapped. Clay lifted me up. He pushed Michel to the wall. 'Leave him alone.'

'What are you going to do if I won't?'

'You'll see.'

Clay grabbed my hand. 'Come, let's go to the principal.'

I blushed when he touched me. He was... not ugly.

'Are you hot?' he asked me.

I shook my head. 'I think uh- just uh- the like pain and adrenaline.'

He nodded. 'I understand.' He stood still and grabbed my painful wrist very careful. I bit my lip and softly groaned.

'Yeah, that's broken. Can you call someone to go to the hospital with?'

I shrugged. 'Wait.'

I grabbed my phone and called my mother.

'Hey mum.'

'Hey honey, what's wrong?'

'I uh- need to go to the hospital.'

'Oh, honey. What happened?'

'Uh- I just fell and broke my wrist.'

'Oh sweetie. I wish I could come to you, but I have to go to a important meeting in ten minutes. I really can't leave. I'm so sorry, sweetie.'

I bit my lip to hold back my tears. I nodded. 'Of course, mum. I understand. I will walk there or something. I will be alright.'

'I love you, honey. Are you sure you will be okay?'

'I will. It's just half an hour away. I can walk. I love you too. Good luck.'

'Bye, sweetie.'


She hung up and I looked at Clay. 'Do you maybe uh- want to tell the teacher I'm not in class? I will walk uh- to the hospital.'

'I won't be able to tell them.'

'Oh, okay.'

'Because I will bring you.'

1003 words

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