Chapter 38: The Dark Mark

Start from the beginning

Y/N and the Twins managed to get Ginny to safety but the rest were not to be found, "I'm going for them" said Y/N drawing his wand, "Y/N dont, Please" said Ginny holding his arm, "Gin I have to, they might be in danger, I promise i'll come back, after all, I have to hear all about your little crush on me" he said with a smile as he ran into the screams leaving Ginny blushing with a giant smile on her face.

"How does he do that" said George

"No idea" said Fred


"Hermione! Where are you!" called out Y/N trying to find his friends, a piece of wood snapped making his head turn in the direction of the sound, a man with dark brown hair and deranged look was walking with his wand out, he pointed it to the sky and laughed, "MORSMORDRE" he said making a mark form on the sky, a skull and a snake.

"Y/N!" said Hermione running towards him embracing him, "Hey , it'll be alright you're safe" he said rubbing her back, "Its his mark Y/N thats You-Know-Who's mark" she cried on his chest traumatized by the sight of muggles being tormented by the d...

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"Y/N!" said Hermione running towards him embracing him, "Hey , it'll be alright you're safe" he said rubbing her back, "Its his mark Y/N thats You-Know-Who's mark" she cried on his chest traumatized by the sight of muggles being tormented by the death eaters, "I know dear, I know" he said as he looked up at the haunting image above them.

"Stupefy!" they heard suddenly, Y/N managed to push Hermione to the ground but a spell hit him.

"Wait! that's my son" said David running towards Y/N, "He has been found at the scene of the crime!" said Crouch, "You think my son did this do you? The Heir of Gryffindor would conjure the dark mark? Does that make sense in your small brain Barty? huh?" said David trying his hardest not to kill crouch with his bare hands.

"Wait! that's my son" said David running towards Y/N, "He has been found at the scene of the crime!" said Crouch, "You think my son did this do you? The Heir of Gryffindor would conjure the dark mark? Does that make sense in your small brain Barty...

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"Alright David, calm down mate" said Arthur trying to make his friend see clearly, David went towards Y/N and carried him as he apparated at The Burrow, "Hello David dear what a sur- Oh my what happened" said Molly

"Stunned, at the world cup, there were Death eaters Molly, he's coming back, we have to get the Order ready, Sirius and I-"

"That is enough David, you and Sirius dont need to be doing your Vigilante business, especially when your son needs you the most, and same for Sirius and Harry" said Molly.

"We just have to be prepared, Dumbledore believes it as well, There is a reason he told Y/N about Lily, he thinks Y/N is ready to learn the truth, all of it, what other reason is there for that than to defeat Riddle?" said David getting more and more agitated.

"David dear Listen to yourself, your son needs you right now and all you talk about is a war, he needs his father, not a soldier" said Molly.

"David dear Listen to yourself, your son needs you right now and all you talk about is a war, he needs his father, not a soldier" said Molly

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"What Happened" croaked out Y/N

"Hey kiddo, you're alright, I'm here" said David stroking Y/N's hair

"Dad? Where are we? Hermione is she safe is she alright?" said Y/N sitting up but immediately regretting it as he clutched his side, "Alright she's alright, just lie down, you took seven stunners to the chest, you need to rest"

Just then the rest of the family portkeyed in, Hermione immediately ran at Y/N's side trying to see if he was alright, "Hey" she said with a hand on his cheek, "Hey"

"Hermione dear can you help me try to heal him" said Molly

"Yes Mrs Weasley, what do you need me to do?"

"Well take off his shirt and wrap these around his torso" she said handing Hermione some bandages while she prepared an ointment.

Hermione lifted up Y/N's shirt making him hiss in pain, "Sorry" she said lifting the shirt off again slowly, "Oh god" she gasped as she saw the very bruised torso of Y/N, "Be honest this isn't the worst you've seen me look" he said, Hermione smiled remembering last year and their Very Very cheesy moment, "Dont remind me of that, I think what you said that day made me get cavities"

"Yeah I was way too sweet" he said as the two ex lovers laughed, Hermione leaned in looking at Y/N's lips and Y/N did the same, the two moved almost in sync as their lips were about to meet for the first time in months, "Hermione mum is calling- OH MY GOD" said Ginny seeing her best friend almost kiss her ex, "Uhh, this aren't the droids you're looking for" said Y/N waving his hand on Ginny's face, both girls gave his a look as if saying seriously,

"Well, it was worth a shot" he said slowly getting up and going towards the kitchen, "Mrs Weasley these sausages are fucking amazing!" his voice thundered through the house as well as his screams after getting smacked by Mrs Weasley.

"Lets go down Breakfast is ready" said Ginny laughing at the situation she walked into.


Y/N sat down at the table with Diane at his side while he introduced her to his father, "Dad this is Diane, she's my girlfriend" he said, "Pleasure to meet you" said Davis shaking Diane's hand,

"Tell me what makes you love this moron" he asked pointing at Y/N, "Oh well this moron is very sweet and kind, and he's very adventurous" she said sneaking her hand onto his lap, "Oh really? Him? sounds like a completely different person" he said while eating, "Oh yeah, these past two months have been great haven't they Y/N" she said now rubbing his thigh inching her hand closer to his little soldier, "Uh yeah very great" Y/N said nervously, "What have you two been up to besides Y/N having the Cup to play in" asked Dad again.

"Well, we would go on walks, and go to some shops by the little town, but sometimes we did more than that haven't we" she said now grabbing the little soldier making Y/N kick the table, "Uh, can we be excused please?" he asked grabbing her hand and walking to the attic

"What the hell was that?"

"What this?" she said grabbing it again

"Holy shit, what is with you?"

"What cant I enjoy my boyfriend"

"No, i mean yes but not in front of my family" he said she threw him against a wall and kissed him, "Are you going to keep complaining or are you going to help me" she said as she got on the bed

"Oh what the hell" he said taking his shirt off and jumping on the bed.

(A/N: no they did not have the sex, Y/N did however get the gawk gawk 3000, just wanted to clarify before anyone asked questions about it, Also, notice how Y/N only asked for Hermione? Wonder what that means????????)

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