Chapter 15

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"Jake?!" I said confused. Yup he's the flirty little... Nevermind. "Jake" I said angrily. "Uhh Jake you know your not supposed to be here until 4:00" Atlantic said.

"Yea I know but mom wanted me to check on you" he said. "Mom? Wait Atlantic that's your brother?" I said pointing to him. "Yea and he shouldn't be here right now" she said.

That's when Jake remembers me. "Oh... you... were...." he said now leaning on the side of the door way. "Yea" I said really mad. "Hey look I didn't mean to-" he got cut off. "Jake was this the girl you gripped?" Atlantic said now getting mad. Her face was pure red. I think she was madder than me. "Mhm" he said now standing up with two of his legs.

"OMG JAKE! WHY!" she said. "Atlantic I was drunk okay, I didn't mean to-" he said now looking at my arm. "Did I do that?" he asked pointing at my arm. "Yea you did" I said. "Oh I'm soooo sorry, I didn't mean to do that. If I can repay you thousands of dollars I promise I will" he said pleading. "Jake I forgive you but I'm still cautious" I said.

"Look I'm soo sorry" he said frowning. "Jake she has a name you know" Atlantic said crossing her arms. I got red, but I had to be honest he was pretty cute but not cutier than Hayden. "What's your name?" he asked. "Lois" I said in a firm.

"Okay, well Lois I'm dearly sorry" he said. "Hey" I heard a voice said. I tried looking who it was but Jake was too tall. The person came and looked at Jake angry. It was Luke. "What are you doing here?" Luke asked. "Well its kinda a long story" Jake said.

"Jake go back home please" Atlantic said pushing him away. "Alright alright I'll go" he said leaving heading to his car. Buzz buzz buzz. "Oh Hayden texted me?" Atlantic said. My face literary brighten up and I think Luke noticed. "Who's Hayden?" Luke said smirking. My face got red and I turned away towards the kitchen. "Oh he's just a friend. He works with me in Aeropastale" Atlantic said like it was nothing. "So you guys wanna play truth or dare" Luke said still smirking. "Sure" we both said.

Atlantic, Luke and I sat on my couch. "Ok so who goes first" Luke asked first. "I'll go" Atlantic said sitting up straight. " Luke truth or dare?" Atlantic asked. When it comes to truth or dare I always pick dare even though I meant to say truth. "Dare" Luke said.

"Ok well I dare you to go outside shirtless running around saying I'm free!" she said laughing. "Ok" he said. Luke got up and took his shirt off. Then he went outside and started doing what Atlantic dared him.

"So what did Hayden say?" I said nervously. "He said where was I and I told him I was at your house" she said looking at Luke at how funny he looks. "Hayden can come if he wants" I said without noticing what I just said. OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST SAID THAT!

"Are you sure?" she asked. "Yea of course" I said. Luke came back in while Atlantic was texting Hayden. "Ok Hayden coming in 3" she said putting her phone down. "Ooooo Hayden is coming" Luke smirked at my direction. I knew he knew that I liked Hayden. But what he doesn't know is how Hayden looks or his sense of humor.

Knock knock knock.

"I'll get it!" Luke and I yelled. We looked at each other. As you know it I started running to the door. Than Luke grabbed me and pulled me away. I jumped on his back to stop him. But right when I tried reaching for the knob Luke opened the door.

"Uhh hey" Hayden said smiling with his beautiful teeth. I got down of Luke's back and I neated myself. "Hey" I slightly smiled. "Hayden this is Luke, Luke hayden" I said neating myself even more. They both shook hands. When Hayden got in Luke kept smirking. "Luke stop that" I hit his arm. "What am I doing?" he said trying to act innocent. "Don't play dumb with me" I whispered.

We all sat down on the couch. "Ok well it's your turn" Atlantic pointing at Luke. Luke smiles and look straight at me. "Truth or dare" he said. I know both were dangerous but the least dangerous for me was dare. "Dare" I said smirking. "Alright, I dare you to...nah nevermind" he said. "Just go already" Atlantic said now getting impatient.

45 minutes later

We played truth or dare for a long time. Most of the dares were stupid. Ring ring ring. "Oh guys I gotta go, see y'all later" Atlantic said gettng her stuff ready. "Ok bye" we all said at the same time. "Wanna play another game?" Hayden ask. Before I can say anything Luke interrupts me. "Of course Hayden I will love to play another game" Luke said trying to imitate my voice. "I wasn't going to say that!?" I said. They both laugh at my response. "I bet you 50 bucks" Luke said wanting to shake on it. I really wasn't going to say that...obviously. "Okay 50 bucks" I said reaching for his hand. He took his hand back in. "Nah I changed my mind" he said. "Good boy" I said tapping his head.

Really all we did was watch tv that's it. "Oh guys I gatta go" Hayden said getting up. He stretch and yawned. "Ok bye" Luke and I said. Hayden left the house. Now it's just Luke and I. "So Hayden" Luke said. "Oh shut up" I said look straight at him. "Ok but you know that I know, am I right?" he said gesturing. "Mhm" I said now bringing my legs against my chest. "Alright, so what movie should we-" Luke looked down his phone. "What is it?" I said going towards him. I sat next to him and I saw a picture of Aqua and Jake at a party. "There drunk" he said.

I put my hand on my mouth remembering what I said to Aqua the last time she came. "No" I said. "What?!" Luke looked up at me. "I said something to Aqua and I guess she got depressed so I think she went to the party" I said now pacing. "Lois, stop pacing it's ok we'll just get her out before she going to do something she regrets doing" Luke said holding my arm. His hands were so warm and gentle. "Ok but where is it?" I asked. " Let me check" he said looking at the picture details.

I looked at him and I saw the address but I guess he didn't see it because he kept scrolling. "Wait go back up I saw it" I said. "Aaaa I see it ok lets go."

We got what we needed and left.

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