They can't even reply before the call disconnects.

"What the hell was that?" Santana asks. The gears have been churning nonstop since she answered the call.

Brittany just bites her lip in thought; this wasn't exactly how she pictured waking up the morning after the heist. She watches Santana for a further reaction, wondering what's going through her mind.

When she's only met with continued silence, Brittany gives Santana a comforting smile.

"We'll figure this out," Brittany says.

"I know," Santana nods then leans in for a soft peck. She rests her forehead against Brittany and chuckles, "I should've put the damn thing on silent. That's so not how I wanted this morning to go."

Brittany smirks; apparently she wasn't the only one thinking that.

"How'd you want it to go?" She wonders.

Suddenly Santana looks a little shy, "For starters, the first words you were supposed to hear weren't who the hell is this."

Brittany smiles fondly, "Uh-huh...What were they supposed to be?"

Santana bites her lip and lifts her shoulder in a lazy shrug, "I love you."

"You softie," Brittany teases as she pulls Santana in for a kiss.

"Hey, you remember how the last morning after a heist went," Santana reasons, "I wanted this time to be different. I was going to tell you how much I love you and here. You weren't going to wake up to an empty bed this time."

"Santana," Brittany sighs and Santana doesn't think she's ever heard her name sound so sweet.

"Now that I say it out loud it does sound a little lame though," Santana blushes through a chuckle.

Brittany chuckles too, "A little, but it's okay. I had other plans too."

"You did?" Santana tilts her head to the side.

"Duh," Brittany winks and goes on to joke, "We were kind of on the same page. I was thinking of blockading the door before you woke up so you couldn't make a break for it."

Santana lets out a laugh as she leans back and all her nerves are eased, "That's not something you have to worry about anymore. I'm done running. You're kind of stuck with me now."

Brittany softens as she smiles, "Lucky me."

Just as she leans in for another kiss, the phone buzzes in Brittany's hand and there is a new text message from the mystery caller. It contains an address and a time for them to meet, which happens to be within the next hour and a half.

"Wow," Brittany frowns, "That doesn't give us a lot of time to get ready."

Santana chuckles lightly, "Yeah. Let's just find out who were dealing with. I think I might have a hunch."


When they arrive at the address provided, Santana and Brittany find themselves at a bookstore. It's an interesting choice for such a private meeting, but they just shrug and head inside. Brittany opts to hang back a little so that Santana can take the lead and she can alert her if she sees anything out of the ordinary.

Santana has a feeling though that the protection isn't going to be necessary. At least, as long as her hunch is correct. She goes over to a random section and begins to browse while also keeping a subtle eye out for the person she will be meeting with. Brittany's just around the corner in another aisle doing the same.

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