"WOW BABE YOU LOOK GORGEOUS," he says scanning my body.

"Thanks, you look hot too," I say winking at him. He's wearing this red flannel and omfg he looks hot af.


Later on that night. People are starting to arrive and the music is blaring. Shawn walks in with Ariana's hand in his.

"AYEEE," Shawn says and pulls me in for a hug.

"Ariana! Hey!" I say and hug her too.

I look behind Ariana and guess who's here. LEIGH....

She better not mess with me again.

"Okay, so the beer is in the kitchen. Have a great time, I'll catch up with you guys later," I say.

After Leigh, she's followed in by Johnson, sammy, Emily, and Mallory. I walk over to them, I ignore leigh and Mallory because they're just stuck up bitches.

"Hey Emily," I say. She says hi back and begins to walk to the kitchen. I like Emily, she's cool.

"Natalie...ayeeee," Johnson nods and walks off too.

Now it's just Sammy and I.

"Hey babe," he says and hugs me.

"Hi and please don't call me babe. I do have a boyfriend and you know this," I say.

"Let's see how that goes," he says smirking and walks towards the kitchen. What is that supposed to mean?? Whatever I guess. Where's Matthew and Gilinsky?

I go into the kitchen and grab myself a beer, I begin walking around my house. There are so many people dancing and having a good time. Ugh I need to find my friends. I look across the room and Matthew is talking to a couple of girls. He's making friends so that's good. I look around the room more and I see Gilinsky. He's hanging out with Johnson and the others. I walk over there and Gilinsky grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him.

"Wanna dance?" He asks.

"Yeah! Come on," I say leading him to where everyone is dancing.

We begin dancing and were grinding on eachother....it's getting pretty intense. It wasn't awkward grinding....it was fun. The song ends, Jack and I walk back towards the group laughing. That was really fun to be honest.

"Guys I'm gonna go make us some shots! Because we're high school graduates now!" I yell excitedly and go to the kitchen.

I bring back the shots and hand them to everyone.

"Matthew, come join us!" I yell and he walks over to us. Before he walked over to us...he waved to someone familiar...omg it was Madison. Shawn's ex girlfriend. He never did tell me why they broke up.

"Okay, I know I haven't known you guys for a very long time. But I'm glad to have met you guys. WE GRADUATED!!" I yell and we all take our shots.

I'm already feeling a little tipsy. And the night just begun! I go take another shot...

I grab Matthews hand and ask him to dance. He follows me to the center of the room and we begin dancing. We're laughing and just having a great time. I look across the room and Jack is staring us down with his jaw clenched. We're just having a friendly dance...damn. He needs to chill. I start to feel dizzy.

"Hey, I'm not feeling so good. I'm gonna go outside for some air," I say to Matthew.

"Want me to come with?" He asks worried.

"No, no I'm fine. It will only be a second," I say and walk outside.

I go outside and lean against the wall. I try to catch my breath. When all of a sudden, Sammy comes up to me.

"Hey babe," he says and pins me against the wall. I can tell that he is drunk.

"Sammy stop! Let go!" I say and try to wiggle out of his arms.

"You know you've always wanted me," he says and begins to run his hand down my body.


I must have yelled very loud because Gilinsky runs out of nowhere and punches Sammy in the face. I'm in shock. What the hell.

Sammy gets back up and runs towards Gilinsky. They begin punching eachother over and over.

"Stop guys!" I yell.

Johnson and Shawn pull them off of eachother.

"Stay the f*ck away from my girl," Gilinsky yells at Sammy while trying to break from Shawn's arms.

"Me stay away? She can't resist me," Sammy says smirking.

This isn't Sammy. Why is he acting like such an asshole?

"Stay away Sammy because I will beat your ass again," Gilinsky says and breaks out of Shawns arms.

"I'm good, I'm good," Gilinsky says putting his arms up.

Gilinsky walks towards me and grabs me by my wrist. He forcefully pulls me away from the crowd.

"Ow Jack, that hurts!" I yell.

Matthew breaks out of the crowd and follows us.

"What the hell dude, what are you doing?" Matthew yells

"Go away before you get yourself in some trouble," Gilinsky yells getting in Matthews face.

Wow I've never seen Gilinsky so aggressive.

"Stop Jack you're being such an asshole right now. It's okay Matthew, I'll be fine," I say and he nods.

He walks away but turns around quickly. He punches Jack in the face. "Don't ever f*cking grab her like that again".

Gilinsky grabs his nose, which is pouring out blood. "Im gonna beat your ass dude" Gilinsky yells and gets up quickly.

"Jack no, just relax please," I say grabbing his face.

"Matthew! GO AWAY I SAID," I yell and he walks away angrily.

"What the f*ck, why were you outside with Sammy anyway?" He says angrily.

"I wasn't, I was getting air because I felt dizzy," I say.

"Yeah right, I knew you and Sammy had a thing," he says clenching his jaw.

"I'm telling you the truth. We don't have a thing. Why don't you trust me?" I say angrily.

"You make it really hard to trust you..." He says looking down.

"How? What have I done for you not to trust me? Nothing! Exactly. F*ck you Jack," I yell and walk inside.


How did you guys like this chapter? Please comment because I love to know what you guys think about my story.


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