(Regrets) part 1

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I jump to the sound if my Alarm

"Ughhhhh" quickly turning i push the off button and flip my covers to get up,a sweet sent hits my nose and smells of bacon and pancakes i go get my robe of my door and head downstairs as see Misty flipping pancakes and the kitchen is a mess

"Goodmorning Babe," she turns and greets me she has pancake flower on her cheeks i laugh at her

"Bitch,what did u do to our kitchen" i say looking around seeing egg shells and batter on the stove i laugh some more she doesn't know how to cook

"Shut up,you better be lucky I'm cooking your fat ass some breakfast,here" she hands me a plate I'm hungry but i look down and see dark black bacon and a raw pancake and loose my appetite

"I'm gonna get in the shower,i heard there was a new good paying customer so we should go shopping and get new thongs and stuff when i get out" i look back at her and she starts jumping and clapping her hands

"I'm so exited maybe you'll get him,i hope i he's sexy ugh I'm so ready,go get in the shower hurry" she waves me off and pushes me into the bathroom and shots "be quick!"

I laugh and turn to the mirror and start taking off my clothes i look at myself in the mirror i have a Caramel  skin completion light hazel eyes plump lips wide hips round thick ass slightly slim stomach and C-cup boobs and i have a beauty mark next to the bottom of my nose that i love and a button nose and dark brown hair  then i turn and look at my stretch marks i hate them but I'm confident and i make them look sexy I don't try to hid them theres no point i get in the shower and start washing feeling nervous I don't know what I'm going to do but i hope he doesn't ask for a V.I.P room.

Lincoln mall
The moment we walk in we go to Victoria Secret me and Misty both pick up some underwear perfume lotion and anything we need i get garters and bras we leave and in my way out i bump into what seems like a wall but i feel strong hands grip onto my waist and i look up

Fuck this man is sexy

He has a toned body i can tell by me griping on his shirt he's extremely taller than me and towers over my 5'3 frame he has a tattoo under his  chin on the middle of his neck as my eyes travel further up i hiss in my breath he has long slanted plump lips i suck in my lip and continue my check he has a little stubble on his chin and dark hair it looks wet hanging in his face  then i look at his eyes very deep brown almost black makes me think theres a story behind them nicely shaped eyebrows but he has a long scar over eyes and eyebrow makes him look sexier I notice I've been staring for a while so i back up

"Shit I'm sorry I wasn't looking" i say he confuses me when he doesn't answer but start bending down and i feel my panties get wet with his movements i quickly look down and notice a pair of my latex red Vstring-thongs on the ground before i can say anything he picks them up and meets me back at my eyes

"You dropped these"His voice is deep and husky makes me close my eyes for a second and take a deep breath i open my eyes again and he smiles can this man get any more attractive he holds them in his hand and before i can thank him and take my undies i hear Mistys voice

"Hey,I'm done we can go n-" she stops mid sentence and looks at the man holding my undies in his hand and smiles then turns back to me "And who's this?" She asks I'm at loss for words so they stumble out

"I—I don't know i bumped into him then—he kinda —well ugh nothing lets go" i take my undies from him slip them back into my bag and look back into his eyes "Thanks for that—um yeah,bye" I'm never so nervous around men what's so different about him before he can say something back i grab Misty and practically push her out the store i look back but he's still there looking at me he smiles then turns and walks away

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