CH 10 Christmas at the Weasley and Malfoy Households

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The first of December of 2011 Narcissa asked to meet with Harry and Molly. They met at the same restaurant where Molly and Narcissa first met, in a little private room.

After their usual greetings Narcissa declared, "I think we are being oppressed by Dementors."

Harry replied, "We have been getting reports that Dementors are around Malfoy Mansion."

"Astoria and Godiva say it is because we are not letting tutors teach the children, and we are not using the text books they want us to use. The text books they want us to use are horrible!"

Harry wondered, "What about your mother, Druella? Is she taking a stand?"

"Mum does not seem to care much about the education. She just keeps saying Cleo is ugly, and refuses to talk to her. She is livid about Cleo not even being a full three quarters Pure Blood, just a little less. Blood purity is everything to her. If Cleo was a full three quarters then any grandchildren would be seven-eighths, which in her sight is almost acceptable. I am so sick of all this Pure Blood nonsense. I almost wish Scorpius would marry a Muggle and get this Pure Blood nonsense finished with."

"Is anyone paying any attention to what Scorpius and Cleo want?" Molly wondered.

"I am," Narcissa insisted. "Draco and that demented husband of mine cannot force me or the children to become vile, evil people. I am not sure what Draco even wants, except to do the impossible, and please Lucius."

"Can you cast a Patronus?" Harry asked. "That will drive Dementors away."

"No," Narcissa replied. "Will you teach me?"

So Harry did.


A week later Harry, Molly and Narcissa met again

"Did you cast a Patronus, and drive away Dementors?" asked Harry.

"I cast a rabbit, and I feel like a little rabbit surrounded by predators who are waiting to tear me apart," Narcissa admitted. "It works, but only for a while. I cannot stay awake casting Patronus all hours of the day and night."

Harry promised he would see how they could keep Dementors away from Malfoy Manor.


Two days after Teddy came home from Hogwarts for Christmas break he asked to talk to Harry privately. They went down to the sub-basement where everything was well shielded. Harry asked Teddy, "What do you need to talk about, Teddy?"

Teddy asked, "Can I teach Albus how to use a wand, Dad?"

Harry warily replied, "I do not know. Do you know enough to teach him?"

Teddy answered, "Well, I did well with wand work in all my classes, so I guess I know how."

Harry didn't say anything.

"So," Teddy persisted, "It is fine if I teach Albus to use a wand? I have your permission?"

"You are never going to get my permission to teach Albus," Harry insisted.

"You don't want me to teach Albus?" Teddy wondered.

"That is not EXACTLY what I said," Harry grinned. "I said I could not give you PERMISSSION to teach Albus."

Teddy looked at Harry, and he back at Teddy. Finally, Teddy stated, "Thank you. I think I understand."

Harry smiled. "I don't ever want to CATCH you teaching Albus to use a wand."

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