CH 8 Al Travels and Speaks Out

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Chapter title by FriendofMolly. Thank you.


Saturday March twelfth Harry woke up at 6:00 AM as usual. He glanced at Ginny; she was sound asleep, which was normal. Harry then glanced at his advanced Wizards cell phone and communicator. It was blinking orange, which meant "call as soon as possible" not "emergency call right now." Harry was looking forward to a relaxing time with his family, and he worried that he was going to be working another Saturday. Mostly these were minor problems, and Harry had taken enough command of his own schedule that he made up the time, but he liked Quidditch, and here on the second game of the season he had a call to take. Harry went to the loo and dressed, went down to his private and hidden office, and made the call.

Willimena Van Lente was on the other end, and she answered, "Al Van Lente's phone, Willimena speaking." She then proceeded to fill Harry in on the earthquake in Japan, and why they needed him. They arranged a meeting on the magic mirrors with a small group in Japan. Just before 7:00 AM Harry came back up to the kitchen, made himself a cup of coffee, and sat down with some notes.

Ginny woke up at 7:00 AM, alarm ringing, no Harry in the bed. She liked, especially Saturday and Sunday morning, to have Harry gently wake her up. Sometimes she would find herself in Harry's arms. Frequently Harry would find a way to thoroughly turn her on, and they had to take care of a little private couple business before getting up. Harry not in bed was a bad sign; usually when that happened it meant some Saturday or Sunday emergency would interrupt their weekend plans. Ginny arose in not the best mood.

About 7:10 AM Harry decided that he had better wake up the children, or Ginny was going to have to, and it would start her day out worst that waking up without him in bed was probably already making it. He started with Lily, never the easiest to wake up. "Up, little one, if you do not want to miss Quidditch," he stressed, as he picked her up out of bed and deposited her on the loo. That usually woke her up and kept her dry as well. She was on her way to being potty trained, but took that as she took most of life, like she was the precious little girl of her parents who could get away with anything, not like it mattered. Of course, as far as Harry and Ginny were concerned it did matter, which is why there were spells on her knickers that rang if they detected the slightest wetness or the very start if a bowl movement.

When the knickers rang James, who kidded everyone, not just Albus, would if he could say, "LilyLoo, LilyLoo, put Lily on the loo," making fun of her name. That sometimes started a fight, which did nothing to help potty train Lily.

Harry left Lily on the loo while he went upstairs and woke up James, then confirmed that Albus indeed was up. Albus was usually up at 7:00 AM without anyone having to wake him up, and indeed this morning Albus was through in the loo and getting dressed. Back upstairs Harry made sure Lily wore what her mother had put out for her the night before. She hadn't, but Harry made her change, and brought her down stairs. Harry met Ginny and Albus on the stairs. "I'll check on James," Harry offered, putting Lily down. Lily sat down on a stair, and Harry told Ginny "I'll take care of her."

James was well on his way to being ready; he did not want to miss a Quidditch game. Harry scooped up Lily and went down to the Kitchen.

Once everybody was seated around the table Ginny asked, "What is going on, Harry, that you were busy first thing this morning?"

"There was an earthquake in Japan yesterday," Harry explained.

"There are revolutions going on in North Africa and the Mid-East, closer to us, Harry," Ginny scowled, "and you have told us that the Wizarding community, the Magi, have managed to avoid too much involvement in that. The International Auror Association is not involved at all."

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