Chapter 2

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Mom, Dad, I will avenge you, but first I have to get stronger, I'm just a tabby, but mom always told me the story of the Ocelot Shhamen, born from a poor family he tricked his way up to power, so I can do this. But first I have to find food, a cat's diet is mainly meat so I should be able to find at least a mouse, but I'm lost in the middle of nowhere. Quiver gets up and looks around, there are bushes everywhere, I should be able to find something, Quiver thinks to himself walking off into the forest pondering what style of hunting he should go with, he decided to go with Primal, you see every animal has an ability or a learned ability, he or she can choose to go Primal or Advanced, Primal gives them the power of the skill while Advanced gives the endurance.

Quiver travels the forest until he comes upon a rogue squirrel, okay Quiver, Quiver pumps himself up preparing himself for one hell of a fight. {Catalistic Shake- through the purring produced in the body, the owner of this skill can produce short-ranged earthquakes.} Purrrrrrrrrrr, spiderweb-like tremors appear under the squirrel as it activates his own skill, Primal {Eye of the Tiger- gives the owner super reflexes and an intimidating aura} the squirrel runs towards Quiver, Prrrrrrrrrrrrrr, same effect, except for this time it had some effect, the squirrel struggles, his feet mildly injured, Quiver rushes him, but it's not going to be that easy, the eye gives reflexes so for two minutes Quiver and the squirrel fought with barrages, Quiver jumps up into the air, aiming his claws at the squirrel, the squirrel put up an X block, with the block he also counters with his claws out shooting out, with a scratch on his face he activates {Mana Replacement} he speeds forward and with a claw to the neck he dies, the winner of this fight.      

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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