Chapter Three

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~Deanna's POV~

Dinner was awkward least to say, I wasn't going to let my guard down. Samantha let him in right away, her kindness makes her stupid. She's willing to bring our father back into our lives right away. I'm smart, I don't trust him yet. He hasn't been around for years and now all of a sudden out of the blue he shows up and it so happens to be on the anniversary of our mother's death. Excuse me for not trusting him but... We're gonna open up to him and then he's gonna leave again and I don't need that. I can't trust him. When I get attached to people I get really attached... I'm not setting myself up to get hurt. I've lost way to much already.
At least Samantha's cooking is delicious. Her and mom used to cook together a lot. I started to learn but I'm not as good as Sam.
As soon as dinner was over I got up setting my dishes in the sink and was about to go upstairs, that was until James called me over to him.
"Yah?" I asked shoving my hands in my back pockets. My face obviously showing I was not interested in whatever he had to say to me right now.
"First of all cut that out. I'm not the one you're angry at so don't you dare take your anger out on me. Second of all we have a hunt tomorrow so go pack for that. Okay?" He said giving me a soft kind smile. I just gave him a nod giving him a tired smile.
"You going up to bed?" He asked and I nodded. He continued speaking with, "You okay?" He asked and I just nodded.
"Come here," He whispered pulling me close. My face buried in his chest. His hand stroked my hair softly.
"It'll be okay." He whispered softly. I sighed and slowly pulled away. My dad had been watching us. I looked away and ran upstairs. The last thing I saw before I ran to my room was James' face, he seemed upset. Sad almost...
As soon as I got to my room I put on my pajamas and laid on my bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

~James POV~

I watched Deanna climb up the stairs and sighed looking down. I hated that she was so upset all the time. I glanced over towards the dining room and Dean had been watching that entire moment. His face looked like he was deep in thought. I could tell he had a lot on his mind. I took a deep breath and climbed up the stairs to my room. I shut the door, did my nightly routine, went to bed.

-a few hours later-

The nightmare started up again. The voice whispering things like: 'accept who you really are' and 'fulfill your destiny'. What the hell is that supposed to mean? The nightmare goes on with this voice telling me this before I see the scene of myself killing the woman I love. I'm killing Deanna! How could I ever lay a hand on her in that way? I seem stronger. Less myself... Less human... It's like I can't control myself anymore. It's like whatever this 'destiny' is it's taking over me.
The only person who knows about these nightmares are Jett. He's been having them too but not as frequent as I. His are about once a week... Mine every single night... I wish I had the luxury of them starting slow but they didn't for me. They just hit me like a ton of bricks... So I haven't really been sleeping lately.
The image of Deanna's limp, cold, lifeless body in my arms is what shakes me awake from the dreadful nightmare. I awaken with a scream and the first one to run is the little blonde girl with green eyes.
"What's wrong??" She asks frantically. Her eyes wide in fear that I'm hurt.
"Nothing, just a nightmare." I mumbled.
"Oh." She whispered turning to walk away. She then turned back around and looked at me softly.
"James..." She said softly. Almost timidly like she was scared. Her face as innocent as a puppy.
"Yes, darling?" I asked throwing a small smile her way.
"I'm having nightmares about mom... Can I sleep with you tonight?" She could barely say as tears filled her eyes. I immediately scooted over and patted the spot next to me. She ran and got in snuggling up close. This wasn't the first time this had happened. Every year in this date she did this. Right after Faith died she wouldn't leave my side. I was glad I could comfort her... I love her. The sad thing is I don't think she feels the same.
I wrapped my arms around her pulling her into my chest. I kissed her forehead for she had immediately fallen into a deep slumber. Her slow breathing lulled me into my now calm sleep.


Hope you all loved it let me know what you think in the comments ❤️ love you all!

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