🌸 Part 4 🌸

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When they confessed/showed you that they liked you:

Keith: Before he left to go the top secret mission with his mother, he said:
"I know this is very sudden, and I understand if you reject me, but just to let you know, before I leave, You are... Well ... I like you Y/n L/n."
"I like you too Keith, I always have."

Shiro/ Takashe Shirogane: When yoi first stepped foot on the castle of lions, Shiro told you to come to his room. You did, and here's what happened:
Shiro: hey Y/n, remember our promise?
You: Yeah, yeah I do...
Shiro: Have you ever thought about making it happen?
You: Yeah, bc I love you... Oh s__t. You wanted me to say that didn't you?!
Shiro: *snickering* I love too sweetheart.
You: stupid, stupid, stupid. Ima get back at you Shirogane.
Shrio:I'd like to see you try...
You: If you truly love me then stop teasing me.
Shiro:*falls silent*.
You: Hah, that's what you get.


Lance: the stupidest thing that could ever happen to you XD. Watch:

Lance: hey princess, are you an angel, because you look like you fell from the heavens.
You: 😶
Lance: if I were to write the whole alphabet and rub it out again, I would only leave u.
Team Voltron plus you: *cringes*
Lance: is your dad a backer cause I could stare at those buns-
Lance: Hey, you inter-
Hunk: I second that.
Pidge: it's too cringy to even listen to.
Shiro: enough with the fighting guys, Y/N, Lance wanted to say he liked you. Simple.
You: I like you to???

Now this kids is the best way of telling a lady you like them. They will dump you after one more pick up line and move to a different man. Damn this is stoopid.

Pidge: Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down and I'd like to take a min just to sit right there and tell you how I told Y/n I like him :
Pidge and y/n were playing {fav video game} when Pidge suddenly lost the game/round/battle. That is when pidge decided to tell him bout her fellings.
Pidge: Congrats Y/n, you really are good at this game.
Y/n: thanks
Pidge: Np. Can I tell you something important?
Y/n: sure, you can tell me anything. We are friends after all.
Pidge: I like you Y/n. As more than just a friend.
You: Freezes.
Pidge: *Waves hand infront of your face* Y/n?
You:W... Yeah?
Pidge: Yeah, also, I like you too.

Hunk: He baked you a cake that said 'I like you on it'

Allura: She told you straight up 'Would you care to be my boyfriend Y/n' It was so damn funny you almost laughed. But you said 'Yeah sure' obviously.

Koran: He explained that he liked you in a detailed speech inspired by King Alfwor.

Lotor: He came up to you ramdomly one day and said the weirdest thing to you:
Lotor: By the power invested In me, I would like you to be my girlfriend.
You: OK. *walks off*
Lotor: Score ^^.

Toche {tooshey} Lotor you did an Awful job. Idk how you accepted that but it's your life not mine.

Haggar: She handed you a sword and in it she carved: Be my girlfriend? You already know the answer to this question though or else this book wouldn't continue now would it?

Romella: She slipped a card under your door saying 'Relationship yes/no' you circled yes.

Zarkon: It was weird but OK?

Zarkon: would you like to be my war partner.
You: I would be honoured to.
Zarkon: Let's start planning then.

Hai Hai my fellow readers. My first authors not in this book. BTW I will be updating this book every two days due to the fact that I am also writing a Beyblade one shot book as well. If you want to read it check my profile. Hope you have been enjoying my crappy book so far. I hope you have a wonderful {whatever time of day it is} and I'll see you in the next chapter hopefully XD.


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