Chapter 21

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~In The Morning~

In the morning you guys were packing up because it was the day to leave.

Jeongin: Wow time went so quick it's already the end.

Yeji: I know I wanted something to happen in someone else getting a partner.

Y/n: I know right.

Jimin: Nothing fun even happens something was meant to happen at least one thing.

Jeongin: Sadly nothing happend.

Knock Knock

Mr Ahn: Kids hurry up and get out our coach is coming soon.

Everyone: YES SIR!!!!

Y/n: We better hurry up if we dont wanna sit next to random people.

In the bus

Y/n: *We came first and I still have to sit next to a random person*.

Kai: Sorry about sitting next to you otherwise it would've been one of my memebers and they would've tourchered you.

Y/n: No it's okay I don't mind it.

Kai: You don't mind them tourchering you?

Y/n: No I meant you sitting next to me.

Kai: Oh okay.

Y/n: Yeah.

Hyunjin's Pov

Hyunjin: That's an exo member right sitting next to Y/n.

Han: Huh Where?

Hyunjin: Points  Over there.

Han: Yea that is.

Hyunjin: Okay let's g-

Han: No you don't wanna start a fight on the bus now do you you'll get suspended, plus he's not that bad anyway.

Hyunjin: No but-

Han: Just text her you dumb bish.

Hyunjin: Cha-

Han: Sorry Hyung.

Hyunjin: Your forgiven.

Princess Yin

Oi your sitting next to an exo
member right?

Yes Why?

What do you mean why
why are you guys laughing?

He's nice okay
so chill.

I'm coming over.

If you come over i'm
going to change your name
from Prince Hyunjin to 💩Hyunjin💩.

No don't you know how long
i begged for that.

Omg lol i remeber that.

Okay bye.

End Of Chat

Kai: What were you doing?

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