Chapter 11

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~After School~

Jimin: Hey Y/n you ready?

Y/n: Yeah let's go.

Jimin: You know you will be the only girl there right.

Y/n: Yep but it's fine if your there.

Jimin: Yeah let's go into the car.

Y/n: Wow how many seats does this car have?

Jimin: Nine.

Y/n: Nine but there's only seven of you.

Jimin: Yeah incase some else comes like now.

Y/n: Okay.

~At The Car~

Jungkook: Oh hi Y/n.

Y/n: Hey.

Jimin: Can she stay over for a bit Jin Hyung.

Jin: Yeah sure why not.

Y/n: Thanks.

Jin: No problem.

~A Few Minutes Later~

Taehyung: Hey Y/n do you want to listen to a song we made.

Y/n: You guys made a song.

Taehyung: Yeah.

Y/n: I would love to hear it.

Taehyung: Okay.

Everyone starting jamming to the song and was singing it.

Yin: What did you name it?


Y/n: You guys are good at it.

Hoseok: Thanks Y/n

Yin: No problem.

Jungkook: Were here.

Yoongi: Finally.

Jin: I'm going to make some food so you will find me in the kitchen.

Y/n: Can I help?

Jin: If you want.

Namjoon: First we should show her around or maknae line can.

Maknae line: Okay Hyung.

Jimin: First the living room.

Taehyung: Then the Kitchen.

Jungkook: Here's a spare bathroom because theres a lot of us.

Jimin: Now we go upstairs.

Y/n: Where will I be sleeping?

Taehyung: We don't have any spare rooms.

Jungkook: You can stay in Jimin Hyung's room.

☆ My Overprotective Brothers ☆ 《Straykids FF》Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora