Our Mum | 25

Depuis le début

"We can discharge her today but, considering how ill she was, you have to take good care of her." She told him.

"But wait, she coughed out blood, that isn't normal is it? And what about her struggling to breathe?" Jimin asked, quite a wise question actually.

"Her gums were bleeding, nothing serious. She fainted because she had a fever and her blood pressure was really low. Her struggling to breathe was a common sign of a panic attack, she was scared of waking up in a hospital it's normal." She explained.

"Oh that's such a relief, I'll take her home today." He said to the woman before she headed out.

"Fuck this." I could hear him aggressively put aside the curtain and come to my side of the room.

"I can't wait to tell mum that you're ok, she was worried sick about you all night, she's probably waiting for you with her arms open." Jimin sat beside me. Hearing him call my mother mum doesn't sound so bad anymore... it made me cringe before.

"I know you're awake." He ruffled my hair making me open my eyes.

"How'd you know? I could've sworn my act was oscar worthy." I faked a cry.

"Enough, c'mon, let's have you look less, half dead zombie type. Your mum's waiting for you." He said. He helped me wash my face since I honestly had no energy whatsoever, and borrowed some makeup off of one of the nurses.

He used his finger to apply some foundation under my eyes to hide the eye bags that had formed. He continued to use his fingers for the lipstick.

"Your lips are soft."

"So? You wanna kiss them?"

"So? You wanna kiss them?"

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"Don't tempt me." He said, making me smile just the slightest.

"Right right, I apologise hubby- I'm joking don't excite yourself, you're in a relationship remember." I patted him on the shoulder, playfully trying to bite his finger while he was focused on putting the lipstick on my lips.

"Ah you look too pale, your mum's gonna get even more worried. Let's use this lipstick as a blush." He said, experimenting that tactic since the nurse only carried a bit of makeup. Then he showed me his phone mirror to me.


"A very beautiful clown indeed." He chuckled making me choke on air at his sudden compliment.

"Anyways, how about we go pay our mum a visit." He said, lending out his hand for me, I accepted it and took his help to walk to my mums ward. I still felt extremely weak.

"IT'S OUR BABY!" My dad spotted me before I even knocked at the door. He hugged me really tight before laughing in my face.

Asshole✓ || P•JMOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant