Chapter 25: "Then, go."

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   "Okay?" I repeat, confused as to why he didn't get angry or drag me back to my seat .

   He doesn't reply to my 'okay?' , he simply side eyes me and continued to work.

   I slowly turn around, looking behind my shoulder, cautiously watching him .

   "Sus," I thought.

I quickly exited the room before he pulled some foul shit .


   When I made it to my room, I quietly shut the door behind me . I walk over to a suitcase that Izuku packed all my necessities in.

   I search for my notebook that Izuku and I had wrote in before I knew the mysterious man was him .

   I find it sitting on top of my perfume bottles and lotions .

   I stare at it in awe for a second before picking it up, and flipping through it .

   I stop when I hear voices talking outside my door .

   I stop what I'm doing to appear silent as I make my way towards the door, to clearly hear what they're saying .

   "We initiate the plan tomorrow night," I hear a voice state. I identify the man as Dabi, based on his deep voice .

   "All For One said to initiate the plan tonight," another voice states. I know that voice all too familiar. I roll my eyes. Toga .

   "Yeah, and Midoriya said we initiate the plan tomorrow night , so that's when it'll be initiated ," Dabi tells her, annoyed .

   "All For One wont be happy about this and you know it!" Toga shouts , growing angry .

   "Midoriya knows what he's doing, I'm not worried about it ," Dabi replies to her childish yelling .

"Well, I'll tell him," Toga threatens .

"You won't," I hear Izuku darkly state .

   "Oh! Izuku-kun!" Toga shouts in delight . "I'm so glad-" she starts .

   "Shut up," he says as he makes his way towards my room .

   His footsteps get closer to my door as I quickly jump into bed , pretending to be sleep .

   My door opens and I hear him walk in, and shut the door behind him .

   I tightly shut my eyes , silently telling myself to calm down . My heart beat quickens when I feel his presence beside me .

   He takes a seat beside my laid down figure . Next thing I know, a hand is caressing my cheek .

   I almost flinched at the sudden contact . "My doll," he whispers, stroking my cheek .

   "My sweet, sweet , doll ," he continues. "You're so beautiful," he gently said .

   "Adiana, I love you," he says. My heart flutters at those simple four words .

   He sits there for about a couple more minutes before leaving .

   When I hear him shut my door , exiting . I slowly open my eyes , and I sit up .

I put my hands on top of the cover, where my lap would be .

I stare down at them, replaying the words Izuku said .

"Adiana, I love you."

"He wasn't serious, was he?" I thought to myself .

His Doll~ Villain Deku x FEM!OC Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant